Excellent post. I get tired of idiots quoting the Separation of Church and State as a reason for anything. A quick counter of "Where is that stated?" usually shuts them up.
Just now.....you should be able to find it now.
Conspiracy Guy wrote:
--- quoting the Separation of Church and State --
A quick counter of "Where is that stated?" usually shuts them up.
It's not 'stated', as you say.
But rational men agree that the establishment clause doesn't need to enumerate such a separation, as long as fed, state, and local officials all obey their oaths to support our Constitutions basic principles.
The 1st's establishment & exercise clause's, as adopted:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; -- "
--- No law "respecting an establishment of religion", means no law respecting ANY of the tenets/dogmas of ANY particular religion.
The whole idea of the restriction on Congress was to 'grandfather in' the existing State supported churches.
The language used was a brilliant political compromise to satisfy the fundamentalists of the day, --- while getting across the point that the 'establishments' of any particular religion were not to be respected by elected officials sworn to uphold our individual liberties. -- A simple principle.