To: Blzbba
It may not count as a 'remake' but those special-editions of 'Star Wars' certainly were re-edited, due to the extremely-outdated special effects that made viewing that movie today laughable.
See, the funny thing about that is, that that was *exactly* what us previous die-hard Star Wars fan wanted: Star Wars w/cleaned up special effects. What was delivered was an entirely different animal, and was clearly indicative of how Lucas was not the only person responsible for making Star Wars a classic.
Case in point: various "cute" critters and cartoon scenarios added here and there throughout the "Special Edition" trilogy. The Jabba band may have been an obvious 80's creation, but the ironic thing is that it and the music it played fits the scene a thousand times better than that cartoonish abomination of a CGI jazz band Lucas replaced it with.
And I don't even need to mention some of the awful cuts and edits Lucas chose to make. Needless to say that this entire practice followed through the following prequel movies, and pretty much terminated my love of Star Wars(and the prequel trilogy having any chance at classic longevity like the original trilogy did, but that's IMHO).
108 posted on
07/20/2004 3:28:47 PM PDT by
(Those who forget history are doomed to vote democrat.)
To: Thoro
Agree with you, Thoro.
The MORE control Lucas got over SW, the worse it got. The OT( Original Trilogy) is superb. His 'fixing' it was a crime when he went past things like the view outside the windows on Cloud City. All the other STUPID stuff HE wanted in, but had been prevented by technology and available $$ from doing, proves how much the talents of people who worked on the OT made a difference.
Prequel Trilogy is 100% Lucas. No time constraints( he had 20 years), no money constraints and no technological constraints. It should have been a thousand percent BETTER than the OT. Instead it's shallow, banal and formulaic.
When he made the OT he wanted to tell a story that was bigger than him. Now he wants to expand a franchise and merchandising-not story-is what matters.
Sad and so unnecessary.
I am still a SW fan, but I don't consider these new films part of MY SW. They are commercials- and badly written ones at that.
114 posted on
07/20/2004 4:00:17 PM PDT by
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