Ugh, I hate having to read stuff like this. I live in Portland, Oregon and our county commission's idea of 'improvement' of our neighborhood is to build a ton of government-subsidized housing for 'low-income Latinos and others' (as if 'others' would want to live there.) Gang graffiti is showing up, ESL students comprise about 50% of the local elementary school's population (and it'll go higher as local parents pull their kids out and more low-incomes move into the subsidized housing), four gang shooting fatalities have occurred in the last month and so far this summer two local businesses have closed and become tacquerias who don't even bother to use English in any of their signage.
We're moving...outside of Multnomah County where, hopefully, we can avoid this garbage for another few years (because I don't think anywhere outside of the Dakotas or Montana will be free of this crap in the next ten years.)
By that I mean cities like Portland, Phoenix, Cleveland, NY, LA, Vegas, Chicago, SF, Denver, Seattle, Philadelphia, Miami, Houston, Indianapolis, Dallas, Atlanta etc etc......Beware of cities over 250,000 and above.
And this includes their *entire* surrounding areas, including suburbia etc......
Look for towns under 150,000 if possible. You'll still get a bit of the chaos, but it's very manageable. Trust me, major population centers and their surrounding areas will just get worse and worse. Bet the rent.
These problems will not be stopped, and will only *escalate*. That is why I offered the above advise..