I want to ask the war room why it looks like America is filled with nuts and we have to hear and see them all of the time?
To the fine staff of the War Room:
It now appears that the Democrats have finally been caught wtih their hands in the cookie jar in ways far worse than Watergate. DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!!!! This is the best opportunity there has ever been to completely destroy the Democrats as a national political party.
Please, Berger is an employee of Kerry. He was no doubt working under orders of his old boss, Clinton. Now there is undeniable proof that the Dems are crooks, willing to do whatever it takes to destroy the president's credibility and regain power. It is essential that ads come out about this incident ASAP - and these ads should paint the Dems with a broad brush of criminal behavior. Just remember what the left did with Watergate. You can't lose on this issue!! "The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" was right all along - the left are crooks - and communist ones at that.