The govt. has been doing stuff on the sly to protect the border. But if Bush is defeated, Kerry will do whatever it takes to appease bin Laden, et. al, asap. Scary reality to even contemplate. We'd be doomed.
We're being invaded by halfwit people who want Azatlan, by others busy plotting to blow everybody to kingdom come. They have more rights than the average American. We have to pay for their upkeep, welfare, housing, education, health care, until they drop dead. Plus we have to solve the aids crisis, Sudan genocide, Haiti -- who will always be with us -- Africa. I can't even begin to list what's wrong with that continent. Stupidity and greed come to mind, however.
Meanwhile we're being universally badmouthed by the rest of the world 24/7. Bush and the US are doing 80 per cent of the work and funding for aids around the world. RAT homosexuals will never admit this. They know perfectly well what causes aids and don't care to change their lifestyle. Sex is no fun with a condom. So they scream bloody murder when they get aids and claim they're victims, yada yada yada.
Lest we forget, Hill is waiting in the wings to 'take back those nasty Bush tax breaks and some other stuff...for the common good'. I wish the rest of the world would just leave us alone. If the US is so terrible, why don't they stay home? Okay, except for terrorist plotters, I know why they're here. Because they don't have a life and don't want us to, either.
The borders were more secure and there was less illegal immigration under Clinton/Gore than there is under Bush/Cheney and they didn't have the tragedy of 9/11 to justify additional efforts to secure our borders.
Illegal immigration was down 30% while the National Guard was on our borders.
Bush couldn't wait to get them out of there.
Now, illegal immigration has increased to unprecedented, record levels.
The only thing that has grown faster than illegal immigration under Bush is the federal portion of our National Debt that he's needed to increase to pay for it.