I expect NOTHING to be done about this.. the only people in the country taking this seriously are the folks who live in the border states and have been putting up with real mexican illegals shenanigans for years. The rest of the country thinks they're immune and as long as we have the commander in chief still trying desperately to get Hispanic votes, NOTHING will be done.
I think stuff is being done that can't be made public. Obviously, it's not enough -- a hundred foot steel fence and mine field would help, but we need an impenetrable dome around the country and that won't happen. Okay, what can we do? Change their minds and hearts. That's what Iraq has been about, as we know. With Kerry in office, everything bad will be blamed on the previous admin., and he'll immediately go hat in hand to the UN and beg them to strip us of wealth and power to make the rest of the lazy, greedy, stupid world happy. They haven't figured out that killing the US is killing the golden goose. Islamofascists triumphant will usher in the new Dark Age. That's what Kerry is all about.