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Congressman: Al Qaeda entering southern border and changing names to Mexican surnames
KFI 640 Radio Los Angeles | 7.16.04 | Joe Hadenuf

Posted on 07/16/2004 5:34:53 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf

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To: Unknowing

If Al Qaeda threatens Fox, and they will, you can bet the farm on that happening, he won't give the US the time of day, let alone cooperate on security issues. Then the steel wall will go into place and whatever tech devices already buried or whatever...we'll know more about. Insanity doesn't run in the Bush family, but it's absurdly easy to panic the country and send the economy into a nosedive. Hate to admit it, but Brokaw had a point when he said the voting public was like a herd of cattle and once they got going, it was hard to turn them.

361 posted on 07/17/2004 4:01:56 AM PDT by hershey
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To: livius

Tim and Terry?

362 posted on 07/17/2004 4:05:07 AM PDT by Smokin' Joe (If it seem hers like a good idea, imagine it diabolically twisted in the hands of your worst enemies)
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To: oceanview

Presumably, if the threat becomes overt, imminent...and from what the acting head of the CIA said the other day, that was the case, feds will conduct sweeps and pick up a thousand or more bad guys. If we have to build prisons to house them, we will. Maybe Guantanamo isn't big enough. But I like the idea of off shore so they can't have lawyers or rights. We should just shoot them dead.

363 posted on 07/17/2004 4:06:50 AM PDT by hershey
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To: Tall_Texan

Here in MA, we have enormous numbers of Brazilian roofing crews, house cleaners, lawn workers. That's besides everybody else with fractured English, including, of course, the minimart Pakistanis. Very Fine, the juice company, was bought recently by Kraft. They immediately put most of the white collar workers out to pasture and brought in their guys. Then hired many, many foreign workers who could barely speak English. Perhaps Kraft gets a tax break for hiring minorities? When do we get to the point where whites are a minority? They'll change the rules to stop that.

364 posted on 07/17/2004 4:12:47 AM PDT by hershey
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To: hershey
"Once the election is over, I'd expect Bush to do more overt stuff to seal that border."

And I'd expect you're going to be very disappointed after the election.

If Bush is reelected somehow, he has no more intention of securing our borders than Kerry does.

Nobody pressured Bush to remove the National Guard from our borders before or after 9/11.

Certainly not the Republican base.

Bush removed our troops from the borders all by himself.

As far as our elitist politicians are concerned, everyone important has Secret Service protection or can afford to hire their own private security.

The rest of us are expendable.

365 posted on 07/17/2004 4:12:53 AM PDT by 4Freedom (America is no longer the 'Land of Opportunity', it's the 'Land of Illegal Alien Opportunists'!!!)
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To: NewRomeTacitus

The govt. has been doing stuff on the sly to protect the border. But if Bush is defeated, Kerry will do whatever it takes to appease bin Laden, et. al, asap. Scary reality to even contemplate. We'd be doomed.

We're being invaded by halfwit people who want Azatlan, by others busy plotting to blow everybody to kingdom come. They have more rights than the average American. We have to pay for their upkeep, welfare, housing, education, health care, until they drop dead. Plus we have to solve the aids crisis, Sudan genocide, Haiti -- who will always be with us -- Africa. I can't even begin to list what's wrong with that continent. Stupidity and greed come to mind, however.

Meanwhile we're being universally badmouthed by the rest of the world 24/7. Bush and the US are doing 80 per cent of the work and funding for aids around the world. RAT homosexuals will never admit this. They know perfectly well what causes aids and don't care to change their lifestyle. Sex is no fun with a condom. So they scream bloody murder when they get aids and claim they're victims, yada yada yada.

Lest we forget, Hill is waiting in the wings to 'take back those nasty Bush tax breaks and some other stuff...for the common good'. I wish the rest of the world would just leave us alone. If the US is so terrible, why don't they stay home? Okay, except for terrorist plotters, I know why they're here. Because they don't have a life and don't want us to, either.

366 posted on 07/17/2004 4:35:09 AM PDT by hershey
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To: Joe Hadenuf

they're being alarmist....

367 posted on 07/17/2004 4:40:34 AM PDT by 1234 (Border control or IMPEACHMENT)
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To: Dante3

But...Bush's rationale for establishing a Middle East democracy is because they're brainwashed from the cradle on: no life, no money, no jobs, no hope, no literacy, nothing. They're told that it's all America's fault. The only way to stop these crackpots is to show them where they live and plot that they can have a decent life. Obviously, if this gamble falls short, it will be tragic beyond belief because we will have to kill them en masse in situ. Bye bye Mecca.

368 posted on 07/17/2004 4:43:12 AM PDT by hershey
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To: FreeReign; Prolifeconservative; Joe Hadenuf; usadave; Missouri
What did John and Ken say about Joe B.?

I went to bed right after your reply, sorry about the tardy response.

Here is the thread from yesterday and look who is conspicuously missing on it(Joe), when you would expect him to be drawn to it like a moth.

Southern California Congressman Joe Baca's office accuses, theatens Border patrol agents

369 posted on 07/17/2004 4:48:09 AM PDT by Dane (Trail lawyers are the tapeworms to wealth creating society)
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Comment #370 Removed by Moderator

To: Tall_Texan

LOL! I know it's not funny. I wonder if they are part of the Polka Band.

371 posted on 07/17/2004 5:00:21 AM PDT by angcat
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To: MissyMa

Of course. The prostitute politicians will sell us out so they can stay in office, then when a catastrophe happens, they'll blame the Republicans, the right-wing, and gun owners (all the usual suspects). And their propaganda wing, the media, will report it as the truth, with "substantiating evidence".

372 posted on 07/17/2004 5:08:17 AM PDT by Hardastarboard
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To: Awestruck

I think stuff is being done that can't be made public. Obviously, it's not enough -- a hundred foot steel fence and mine field would help, but we need an impenetrable dome around the country and that won't happen. Okay, what can we do? Change their minds and hearts. That's what Iraq has been about, as we know. With Kerry in office, everything bad will be blamed on the previous admin., and he'll immediately go hat in hand to the UN and beg them to strip us of wealth and power to make the rest of the lazy, greedy, stupid world happy. They haven't figured out that killing the US is killing the golden goose. Islamofascists triumphant will usher in the new Dark Age. That's what Kerry is all about.

373 posted on 07/17/2004 5:08:29 AM PDT by hershey
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To: hershey
"The government has been doing stuff on the sly to protect the border."

The borders were more secure and there was less illegal immigration under Clinton/Gore than there is under Bush/Cheney and they didn't have the tragedy of 9/11 to justify additional efforts to secure our borders.

Illegal immigration was down 30% while the National Guard was on our borders.

Bush couldn't wait to get them out of there.

Now, illegal immigration has increased to unprecedented, record levels.

The only thing that has grown faster than illegal immigration under Bush is the federal portion of our National Debt that he's needed to increase to pay for it.

374 posted on 07/17/2004 5:11:09 AM PDT by 4Freedom (America is no longer the 'Land of Opportunity', it's the 'Land of Illegal Alien Opportunists'!!!)
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To: hedgetrimmer

Don't forget Fat Teddy's seventies' immigration bill that started this mass invasion.

375 posted on 07/17/2004 5:26:41 AM PDT by hershey
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To: hershey
"I think stuff is being done that can't be made public."

The Bush administration is doing stuff they'd prefer wasn't made public. That's for sure.

For example, stopping the Border Patrol's interior sweeps.


376 posted on 07/17/2004 5:26:47 AM PDT by 4Freedom (America is no longer the 'Land of Opportunity', it's the 'Land of Illegal Alien Opportunists'!!!)
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To: Tall_Texan
Be on the look out for: Muhammad Zapata Osama Martinez Hassan Rodriguez

Good one!

Well, we've all said they'd be entering through the border, I don't believe for a moment any ME could pass in TX or in any state along the border as a Mexican. That said, it's only a quick day's travel to Houston or Dallas where there are supposedly known cells. What gets me is if the cells are known then why hasn't something been done to them? Keeping them just to sit on our hands while we listen to chatter isn't getting the job done.

377 posted on 07/17/2004 5:38:14 AM PDT by mtbopfuyn
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To: 4Freedom

For what its worth...Arabs disguising themselves as Mexicans at the border ..and staying disguised here is extremely difficult. The realities are that a strict sense of discipline is required and even the best trained terrorist would not likely be able to pull it off for very long. Recall all that we have learned about "signals" prior to 9-11...our folks in various agencys are better prepared today.
I do not discount the terrorist efforts but other avenues, such as Canada, seem more plausible to me.

378 posted on 07/17/2004 5:39:52 AM PDT by rrrod
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To: 4Freedom

Bush and company gambled that giving Middle Easterners a democracy in the region (after Afghanistan), would make them want to stay home and live prosperous, peaceful lives. That made sense when he mentioned it in a speech and it still does. Trouble is, we didn't have enough manpower to accomplish all that and still protect the borders, and God knows what else..Haiti and Liberia come to mind. So the national guard headed overseas. I don't see any alternative but the draft. The border has to be sealed, watched in total, guarded, whatever. When we take overt steps in that direction, lots of people will be offended, mad, demand that money be spent on social welfare programs, etc., plus the usual suspects screaming about illegals' rights. The PC crowd...already demands that your native rights be subordinated to the rights of illegals. You pay taxes, but ER rooms have to take care of illegals and you can't afford health care. A friend of mine went to the ER for a tendonitis shoulder problem, and $2400 later, went home to figure out how to pay the bill. It's unbelievable. My miserly ex who has more money than God, says he can't afford complete health care, so he has only catastrophic health care. He lives in Texas, and I presume he's paying for plenty of illegals' nosebleeds, bumps, bruises, and births. They don't have to worry about a damn thing once they settle in like ticks on a hound dog.

379 posted on 07/17/2004 5:42:33 AM PDT by hershey
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To: NJ_gent
we can wait for nightclubs, gas stations, shopping malls, and large buildings to start randomly exploding

No, gas stations are safe since they're all owned my ME'ers.

380 posted on 07/17/2004 5:50:07 AM PDT by mtbopfuyn
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