I blame her husband. If I had been in his shoes with my wife and 3 yr old son on board I damn well would not have sat there like a sheep. I would have got up and sat right next to one of those #$%^&, especially the $%^&&# who glared at my wife. I, for one, am going down swinging.
This PC crap is going to get a lot of people killed. While I will vote for Dubya and contribute to the RNC, I pray for a real conservative to win in '08.
See my post 73.
Forget that. If I had a three-year old with me, I'm either
a) not getting on the plane when I see them congregating at the gate, or
b) getting off the plane when I see them spreading out across the cabin.
I wouldn't be sitting around and hoping for something not to happen with my family at risk.
I think I'd wait until an attack seemed imminent, although I might've gone into the bathroom immediately after they had exited it. Not sure what sitting next to one would do, though...
you are so right. how do we know there actually were air marshalls on board? I got to believe I would have thought about getting up and standing in the front as well, or confronting one of the guys and asking what he was doing. who knows till it happens what we will do.
I know that people are making fun of me for my response aobut martial law, but without rooting these no-goods out, every plane can be bombed. And no one is safe. No air marshalls will save a plane bombing. Airports airlines and law enfocement must be held harmless from profiling lawsuits.