"I'm sorry, but it is my enemies who want to make this a religious issue, not me."
Then what basis would you use to make current legal porn illegal? What are you basing your "morality" argument on, if not based in religion?
"Whether or not you are going to heaven is not the state's business."
But you would like it to be. The position I have seen you take is that you would like to make morality mandatory and enforced by the guns of the government. If I am not correctly understanding your position, then feel free to clear up my misunderstimation!
"If you commit a crime, should you be released because you repent?"
It is not a crime to view porn today, so what is your point?
"Prostitution is a crime just like murder is a crime."
Legally, prostitution is illegal, but viewing porn is not. Are you trying to equate the two? If you are, you are really supporting the legalization of prostitution as you just stated that you don't think it is any of the state's business if a person gets to heaven (or lives morally by religious standards).
I also accept the fact that you refuse to answer my question.
Whether or not you are moral in your heart is not for the state to know, but your actions are for the state to regulate.
To say that people should not be forced to obey the law because it would take away their free will is to suggest that temporal authority has no right to enforce any law.