Don't confuse the issue with facts.
It's Haliburton, tied in with Bush/Cheney that's the problem. Kofi is busy whining that the U.S. doesn't spend enough taxpayer money to combat AIDs.
Perhaps he should have given some of the money that he swindled from the Iraqi's to his pet projects.
The real problem is, is that we need to give our sovierenty over to these looney toons and the world will be a better place.
If the U.N. could tax Americans at 80%, then we can all be third world nations, on equal footing, which should please Hanoi John, as long as he can keep the ketchup money.
Why in the world is the U.N. still in the U.S. and why does anyone pay any attention to these morons?
Blessings, Bobo
<< Kofi is busy whining that the U.S. doesn't spend enough taxpayer money to combat AIDs. >>
The evil little bastard even managed, during a BBC interview I watched a bit of yesterday, to draw a moral equivilency between AIDS "killing millions" and barbaric terrorism "killing only a few thousands" while castigating America's disparate levels of spending on the War on Terrorism and on the un's and the rest of the turd wurld's AIDS racketeers.
Please Dear Lord we can get the US the Hell out of the UN and the UN the Hell out of the US??!!!!!