You immorally advocate denying benefits to gay taxpayers/consumers who are paying to support the system, so your concern for those groups is bogus...
I know people that work for the government in a secure area called a SCIF. (Secure Compartmented Information Factility.)
You pay taxes for them. You support them. If you try to go one, you'll be sent away. If you try twice, you'll probably be arrested, and charged with things that won't look good on a resume.
Is that fair? You pay taxes for it! You should be allowed to enjoy it. Right? RIGHT?
Guess what? You do enjoy it. Your tax dollars fund an vital institution that, by nature of its operation, functions best without you. It preserves your society, and your way of life.
You can stomp your foot and cry 'foul'. It may not seem fair, but it's an issue of survival.
The tax dollars of gay people fund a vital operation that, by nature of its operation, functions best without them. It preserves their society, and their way of life.
They can stamp their feet and cry 'foul'. It may not seem fair, but it's an issue of survival.
Do you see the point of having a military? Because marriage defends the culture just the same as the military defends the country.