Have you seen the new commercials on blood pressure? Looks like they want any one above 120/80 on BP meds...even children.
They changed the height/weight charts. They are changing the *food pyramid*(I can barely contain my excitement). In effect, our rations have been cut and dietary control is not even stealth, anymore
BP drugs will keep everyone mellow. They will also be selling more Viagra, et al.
Statins will make money for the drug companies and having everyone on them means they will go generic faster and go OTC,w/volume making up the profit differential, IMO. Already we have OJ and margerine w/sterols in them. Loads of people are taking Red Yeast for lipids.
Those who don't tolerate statins will be bullied into becoming runners and vegetarians on *common good* grounds. If that generates anxiety, we can give them even more beta blockers.
I used to stick up for the medical community and thought the idea of all of us being controlled by the state was tin-foil. I am becoming a believer.
Our bodies' systems consist of tightly-controlled, balanced and inter-related pathways. We had loads of studies *proving* HRT was advantageous in preventing heart attacks and strokes, It proved wrong. Of course, that was after most women over 45 were on the hormones.
I don't think they care how long we live. They want to reduce the pressure on hospitals and ORs. Pills, tests, and office visits will keep the system solvent at a lower cost in dollars and skilled med staff. Lower level medical workers can handle the various office visits. Less fodder for the tort lawyers, until, of course, the unforeseen side effects become evident. Then the class actions will start.