Don't kid yourself. Neither the CP nor the LP will ever become a major party in this country short of a revolution.
"Neither the CP nor the LP will ever become a major party in this country short of a revolution.",
So... what's it going to take for that to happen?
At some point, "revolution" is not going to be an option - especially after the 2nd A. is negated and "pacification" of the general population successfully enforced.
Thanks to the NEA, Hollyweed, Michael Moore et. al, I wonder if there is much will left in the younger generations to resist encroaching tyranny?
BTW; I have a letter from one of our two RINOS from Maine, of which we are so blooming proud, (COLLINS I think it was, as I don't even bother with SNOWE any more) stating that they intend to see to it that the AWB, promised to expire in September, will be extended indefinately.
After all, she says; that's what the President wants.
Wasn't it O'SNOWE who held the Federal Budget hostage in order to cut BUSH's tax-cut in half?
Neither one of them ever saw an abortion or a tax they didn't like, as near as I can tell. But woe to any "R" who tries to run against one of them in a primary!
Even the Senate Leader FRIST seems to be scared to death of them, nearly as much as he is of Hillary.
One Party "insider" told me that neither of them ever need one Maine Republican to vote for them in order to be re-elected for life, or as long as they want to run. You know - I think that he is right on about that.
So they surely won't be needing my nose-holding vote any more.
"Senate Majority" be dammned; the R's don't know what to do with a majority once they've got it anyway, do they?
Didn't "Ed" GILLESPIE tell the Manchester Union Leader (NH) some time ago that the era of "Regan Conservatism" was forever over (he seemed geuinely embarassed by the now late former President) and if conserviatives didn't like the new "moderate" Republican Party, so what? Who would we vote for, anyway; a Democrat?
Good luck trying to take "our Party" back by counter-infiltration or any other means; once the socialists infiltrate something and take it over, they slam those big ol' doors of "tolerance" and "inclusion" shut right in your face and hang on tight!
Just try to take American "Public Education" back for America, for instance.
Or all too many of the mainstream "Christian" Churches for that matter.
Most of them seem to be all about losing the WOT, advancing a secular one-world empire and homosexual "rights", and deposing BUSH; they could care less, I opine, if Christ ever comes back again or not!
I have already been thrown out of the local Republican Town Committee for being embarrassingly "conservative" - have you?
Although the County Committee still generously allows me in the door, "C's" are outnumbered about 2 to one.
We found that out in no uncertain terms the last time a motion was made and a vote was taken to express collective disaproval of one of our two RINO Senator's attacks on the President's tax reform, I think it was.
And their supporters are quite enthusiastic, if not passionately fervent, in their support for these flaming RINOS, BTW.
Try advancing the sentiments of Lincoln or Regan in their own Party now, and you are apt, like me, to find out just where the rear exit of the GOP "Big Tent" is!
You'll be fortunate if all they do is "marginalize" you.
Get used to fighting from those margins, if you're still able to put up any resistance at all. And get used to getting ignored and shunned a lot.
Come up with a viable 3rd Party, as unlikely as that is to ever happen, and the Commies will, in short order, infiltrate and take that over, too.
They are really good at it, aren't they?