To: Mark in the Old South
"I know several rock solid conservatives who dislike the war. I disagree with them and it bothers me but their reasons are not Un-American."Do those "rock solid Conservatives " support the war now that we are in it?
To: Godebert
Re: "Do those "rock solid Conservatives " support the war now that we are in it?"
I don't know. But then I don't know what you mean by support the war. I don't consider someone who muses over coffee "We should never have gotten in this war" as an active obstacle to the war effort.
What have you done to support the war? Other than attend a pro-Bush, pro-war rally before the war started I can't say I've done much myself. As a result I am not about to jump someone for holding a different POV. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson