To: FairOpinion
Bush has a GOP Congress, and he still supports Spector when he could have had Toomey.
Souter is a GOP appointee and he has been a disaster, the same with O'Conner.
I do not like the Kerry prospect any better than you but they (GOP) has to do better than they have been doing of late. Cutting the court's budget might be a good idea, at least put it on the table.
Remember the GOP was a 3rd party option at one time. The Whig party failed, people turned to another option. Brow beating a dissatisfied part of the party will not make the problem go away. You have been told this before on this thread, I will not waste more time telling you this needs to be discussed, if not here where?
To: Mark in the Old South
"Bush has a GOP Congress, and he still supports Spector when he could have had Toomey."
Or most likely he would have gotten the Democrat, which would have also meant a Democrat Congress.
139 posted on
07/11/2004 2:39:33 PM PDT by
(If you are not voting for Bush, you are voting for the terrorists.)
To: Mark in the Old South
All true.
But it is ALSO true that the Democrat Party each year slips further into the abyss of Socialist claptrap, treason, and advocating the destruction of our core values, beliefs and institutions (like the family, military etc).
Do we want to break up a party? Yes we do: The DEMOCRATS.
We are on an historical threshold. If the Republicans fall to the Democrats, it is all over: THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO RECREATE CANADA AND FRANCE HERE.
1. Fight Conservative fights in the GOP to win friends and influence people.
2. Unite the Right to get behind the GOP in November elections.
191 posted on
07/11/2004 3:50:52 PM PDT by
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