You seem to enjoy posting articles critical of the war.
Are you trying to make a point? If you are, please do so and stop with the trolling.
Are you trying to make a point? If you are, please do so and stop with the trolling.
I suppose I don't need to justify my posts but here goes. I am very much behind the war effort. I was raised that way. My father a West Point grad fulfilled his duties with honor. I served in the US Air Force, serving with honor and my husband who currently serves in the US Army as a Field Artillery officer because of those facts I feel I have at least some knowledge of the military. I do not to profess to know all, but, in sharing ideas and views on current topics to include the military, seems the best avenue to stay informed. As for the date, yes it does show a recent account activation but I can assure that I have enjoyed the FR for quite sometime. My husband and I enjoyed a wonderful Free Republic gathering years ago, on Halloween weekend. Perhaps I should have used my original screen name, but, after the year we have, my husband serving in Iraq, this seemed by far the more appropriate screen name. Another questions on my intent feel free to send a PM I really don't think folks like to see bickering while enjoying their time on FR.