suggest you read the books by the Caner brothers (Turkish Muslims who became Christians) Not Mohammed nor any other human being is divine, to the Muslims. They are so uncertain of salvation, based on a weighing of works, that Mohammed said he did not know if he would go to heaven. False modesty, one suspects.
It is true that Muslims strive to emulate Mohammed, and many believe he is above criticism in everything he ever did. But not divine.
Mrs VS
Maybe I could write that more clearly. Muslims are taught that everything mohammad did was sinless and divine, because his instructions came straight from the mouth of allah to his ears.
If I wrote; mohammad is considered 'sinless and divine' I mean that his actions were seen as such. Not the man himself. But aren't we splitting hairs here?
The biography by Sell shows just when and how and why the various verses in the koran were 'revealed'. Without that knowledge, any discussion of islam is meaningless.
I do not seek to make muslim converts to Christianity. My interest is purely historical.