In some states, like in WV, you don't have the right to be a prostitute. - H.Akston
"Not true. You have a right to make a damm fool of yourself in ANY State" - tpaine
And on Free Republic, as you have thoroughly done in this thread.
You keep your grubby hands off the States you don't live in.
In some states, like in WV, you don't have the right to be a prostitute.
Is this a violation of inalienable rights? Or was that right taken away by "due process"?
450 Hughie
"The full scope of the liberty guaranteed by Due Process --
-- is a rational continuum which, broadly speaking, includes a freedom from all substantial arbitrary impositions and purposeless restraints" . .
Attempts to 'outlaw' consensual sex between adults are "arbitrary & purposeless", hughie. -- Learn to live with our constitutional freedoms.
Get your blue nose out of your neighbors business.
451 tpaine
You keep your grubby hands off the States you don't live in.
452 hughie
Better 'grubby hands' defending liberty in free States, -- than blue nosed clowns trying to outlaw 'sin'.