I am sympathetic to your plight. I am certain we could draft language that would facilitate the legal immigration of people like you. I suspect you have nothing against hard work and are gainfully employed. I think the first step in correcting our immigration problems is to change the constitution to deny voting privledges to those that are on welfare -- i.e. don't work. That will gut the voting support of the democrat party. Then, we resolve the immigration issue by halting all immigration and reviewing cases like yours. Frankly, we currenlty deny immigration privledges to white, educated people and favor minortiy, uneducated people. That MUST STOP !!!!!!!!!!!
Relatives of native born US citizens should have more rights to an immigrant visa as long as their sponsor provides them health insurance and financial stability. That's probably the best kind of immigration of all because it is the kind that leads to assimilation --- a family network to fall back on and less welfare dependency. It's amazing how many immigrants are bringing over family members who rely on government handouts yet native born citizens have so much trouble bringing in spouses.