The Soccer Moms will be swooning, but I don't think his impact will be felt in the South too much...especially in the deep South, but those are really locked in the R column. I think that he will have some impact in VA, NC, AR, and LA...and maybe some in OK. I think he will have the biggest impact in OH, PA, MI, WI, NV, NM, and the PNW. He is going to bring in a some core voters that were discouraged by Kerry winning the nomination. It won't be a lot, but it might be enough. It will probably help as much as Jack Kemp helped Dole. Without Kemp...Dole was dead in the water. Edwards' youth, life story, and looks will probably offset some of his liabilities such as experience (lack there of)...he is Clinton without the know sex scandals. I wonder if crap like Agnew/McGovern will come out over the next couple of weeks that will reduce the impact. This was a strategic pick...
I do find it interesting that once again the claimed party of the minorities/women have chosen once again, two white men. Where are the minorities? Bush was smart enough to chose a cabinet that represented America a little better and was not rife with scandal (unlike Clinton's), and was critized by the left for doing so.
I wonder if Bush will drop Cheney and grasp for "shock value". I wonder if Cheney will weigh him down like Quayle weighed his father down?