I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. That gives them another 4 months to dream up the next delay. I suppose Maureen Stevens will have to wait too.
Judge delays Hatfill lawsuit until Oct. 7
By Scott Shane
Sun National Staff
Originally published July 8, 2004
After reviewing a secret progress report on the FBI's anthrax investigation, a judge has confirmed his postponement of Dr. Steven J. Hatfill's lawsuit against the federal government for at least three more months.
U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton signed an order Tuesday delaying proceedings in the lawsuit until Oct. 7, when he will again review the investigation. Government lawyers had sought the postponement, saying that Hatfill's lawyers' requests for documents and depositions would interfere with the case.
On Tuesday, Walton reviewed a classified declaration written by Richard Lambert, the FBI inspector in charge of the investigation of the anthrax-laced letters that killed five people in 2001. The declaration was then "stored in an appropriate secure container at the Department of Justice," according to court papers.
Hatfill, a former Army biowarfare expert at Fort Detrick in Frederick, denies any connection to the attacks.
Needless to say, in October most of the country will be squarely focused on the upcoming election. Of course, we'll still be paying close attention to this farce. :)
Didn't work too well did it?
And this "advance" is a weasel word. As I read it the only "advance" was since the Nov. 2003 Science article, before that was retreat on the FBI side, and mostly due to outside forces pressuring it to follow wrong info, IMO.
If I were Stevens' lawyers, I'd demand detail about why the anthrax is only being tested now - that's how the govt's arguments read.