I posted those links to you in case you were unaware of them, that is all. and enough of the hitler analogies in your post to me. They are unnecessary. And No I did not think you were flaming me just as I am not flaming you, Destro. I have seen your posts before and know you have been around here a long time now.
But Sorry, Gen. Giap did claim in his writings, the VVAW(which includes kerry) and other protesters'(including ms. ACK ACK Fonda were by and large part of their success in Viet Nam, exactly what is being done today by the left against our War on Terror.
P.S. Some of the poeple who do not want to fight the terrorists, their friends are listed below:
DSA's "Progressive Caucas" Links below:
They are the Enemy Within!!!!
So it seems Newsmax got the jist of the story correct but confused where the facts came from or confused the facts a little? Hmmmmm..........
Which leads me to think - Is the Kerry camp spinning these so called urban legends - making them more juicy so that they can be spread and then bebunked - and once debunked no one in the medias will look into the true facts of the story? I know that sound paranoid but it also sounds true.