Hey remember Hillry's words warning about Hoover economy, well some guy on Fox right now is describing the silimarity of today's market to the October 1987 market.
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.'"
Just for the record: First of all, democrats and Bush haters will vote for Kerry no matter who he chooses as his running mate.
The Clintons don't want Edwards on the ticket, so he won't be there.
Gebhardt dropped out early and gracefully, caused the Kerry campaign no grief, they get along, and Kerry can sell Gebhardt as most qualified to be president should something happen to him.
The reason Kerry is announcing this on the internet is to muffle the criticism, and soften the disappointment of all the Edwards supporters with some cutesy pie .com theatrics.
And about Hillary's socialistic coming out comment? She's just re-establishing her ties to the far left wing of the party.