We don't need no stink'in UN. If there were a way to cross reference voters against all US registered voters (During registration), then any name that is duplicated will be eliminated. Then brought up on charges. (I'm not talking people with the same name here)
I worked as a republican judge in a small county in Texas. There are ways to challenge voters, but that only works in small districts. How can one possibly know everyone in larger ones? Also the Registrar of Voters cannot remove names of known deceased voters without proper channels ( not exactly sure what they are, I believe relatives only).
It's no wonder we have the mess we have.
The Disgusting Amerikans who wish to have the UN involved should move to France!
>>Also the Registrar of Voters cannot remove names of known deceased voters without proper channels ( not exactly sure what they are, I believe relatives only). <<
The coroners report isn't sufficient? It is used in the courtroom to verify the death.