Keep the stinking UN filth out of my country. I can't tell you what I'd do to the liberal-demokkkRAT 'lawmakers' who initiated this crap; I'd get ZOTTED, for sure.
The UN and Coffee at One (Kofi Annan) should go down and fix Haiti then they can have more projects of higher and more difficult responsibility.
We don't need no stink'in UN. If there were a way to cross reference voters against all US registered voters (During registration), then any name that is duplicated will be eliminated. Then brought up on charges. (I'm not talking people with the same name here)
I worked as a republican judge in a small county in Texas. There are ways to challenge voters, but that only works in small districts. How can one possibly know everyone in larger ones? Also the Registrar of Voters cannot remove names of known deceased voters without proper channels ( not exactly sure what they are, I believe relatives only).
It's no wonder we have the mess we have.
The Disgusting Amerikans who wish to have the UN involved should move to France!
The only people more dangerous than these bastards are the ignorant scum who elect them.
Group wants U.N. watching elections
Dallas Morning News
WASHINGTON - Still smarting from the 2000 Florida recount, a group of congressional Democrats led by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas has asked the United Nations to monitor this year's presidential election.
"We are deeply concerned that the right of U.S. citizens to vote in free and fair elections is again in jeopardy," the lawmakers wrote to Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
While the request might evoke images of blue-helmeted peacekeepers outside the local library, the request won't be granted.
"Generally, the United Nations does not intervene in electoral affairs unless the request comes from a national government or an electoral authority - not the legislative branch," said U.N. spokeswoman Marie Okabe.
Because the U.N. Charter bars violations of sovereignty, the State Department, or perhaps the Federal Election Commission, would have to invite observers. And monitoring would have to be approved by the Security Council or the General Assembly.
None of the five permanent Security Council members has ever been subjected to such monitoring, officials said. The biggest undertaking was in South Africa, population 43 million, a decade ago when apartheid fell.
The rule of thumb is one observer for 100 polling sites, which would be an army of 20,000 foreigners deployed from Key West, Fla., to Anchorage, Alaska.
Johnson aides call the request justified. Her letter points to "widespread allegations of voter disenfranchisement" in Florida and other states in 2000, and it cites an April report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that found potential for "significant problems" this time around.
Annan was in Africa, and it was unclear if he had seen the letter. Johnson was one of six members of the Congressional Black Caucus to sign the letter.
Leave it to the Left to turn the USA into a third world country. Absolutely disgusting.
We need to start taking names....
Another day, another treason by the Rats.
I suggest anyone who lives in or near the districts of these traitors call their opponents and let them know the names of the signatories. It should be useful in the campaigns.
I'm the Republican running against Julia Carson of Indiana (one of the letter's signers), and I find it ironic that she'd ask anybody to watch any election process. See: for just a taste of the irony.
I also find it ironic that people who oppose the Electoral College system that elected Bush seem to approve it in the UN...a "democratic" assembly of mostly authoritarian nations that each have only one vote (as opposed to adding up all the citizens represented). In other words, Libya = USA in terms of power in the UN, even though there are not nearly as many citizens in Libya.
That's quite like the Electoral College, isn't it?
This is all so very odd...
But I will keep trying...
Andy Horning