To: *dixie_list; sionnsar; Free Trapper; dcwusmc; Wampus SC; Fiddlstix; Southron Patriot; ...
To: stainlessbanner
34 posted on
06/30/2004 1:00:05 PM PDT by
To: stainlessbanner
Jesse Jack-ASS Communist extrarordinaire. How can you tell when this JackASS is lying? When his lips are moving!
Gephardt is a worthless Rat-ba*tard suckup who isn't fit to breath free air.
58 posted on
06/30/2004 3:26:48 PM PDT by
Colt .45
( Veteran - Pride in my Southern Ancestry! Falsum etiam est verum quod constituit superior.)
To: stainlessbanner
"They intend to push the ideology of the Confederacy and continue to challenge the vision of the Union," Jackson told conference delegates on Monday.Hmmmm, smaller national government, strong moral values introduced at the states level, and less intrusion into the lives of the citizens of the respective states. Nope. Hadn't seen any of that lately.. Jesse must be talking about somebody else.
65 posted on
06/30/2004 8:34:23 PM PDT by
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