>>I agree RG. Too much time for the fodder, I suppose Juror #5 will still be lurking around the shows. Plus there is the interview with the Petersons tomorrow nite on 20/20.(How convenient, MG)
Man I hope the rest of these jurors have at least half a brain in their heads and follow the letter of the law...stay away from the boob tubes, the coverage<<
...But the judge told both families to cool it with the comments. Can the Petersons still go on 20/20???
The consensus over at the CTV boards is that his is another red-herring tossed out by the MG camp to his pals in the media for weekend fodder...just like last weekends "redacted" Brochinni report...which we found out later that part was covered by other LE. Those reports were in the hands of the defense for some time.And MG knew it, still tried to play dirty pool.