Let us rejoice, indeed encourage it.
99% of people who even took this poll here are voting for Bush and conservatives, that is good for Republican political goals and they are allies.
The one thing Ive found that doesnt make sense are those (not you) who try to divide FR and Republicans into factions, each claiming to be the ultimate authority over another when none really are. I see no tangible good that comes of it and consider it petty oneupmanship more suited to elementary playgrounds.
Thats my opinion. Im sure someone thinks the infighting (they would call it healthy debate im sure) somehow makes us stronger, smarter or some such bs.
A house divided can not stand.
I'm in shock. No one's ever accused me of being a realist til today. This gives me a whole new outlook!
Maybe it's age that's done it- but as a baby-boomer, I frankly don't give a hoot at this point about neo-cons, traditional Republicans, or Libertarians. I care that John Kerry is defeated in November. Period.
As a Republican it seems to me there's plenty of room in our tent for neo's, traditionals and anyone else with common sense!
Screaming Eagle Mom:)
True. Sadly, the division has been made, and is deep.
Despite the demands, & trends, of the recently arrived neo-cons, I will not abandon conservative principle for the pragmatism of socialism.
Perhaps it is their desire to divide our house. They are doing an excellent job.