From: crimenews2000
"The house remains sealed overnight, as Scott Peterson reportedly stays with friendsprobably Mike and Heather Richardson. According to Amber Frey's phone records, she and Scott Peterson speak at least fourteen times by phone between 3:00 and 9:00 p.m.; according to Steve Jacobson's preliminary hearing testimony, Scott Peterson and Amber Frey speak sixteen times by phone."
This is really odd to me and two days after laci is missing. The timing and quantity of the calls between S&A, really bothers me. If you read the events according to LE S&A averaged between 2-5 calls per day which seems average to above average.
But then on Dec. 26 they talked between between 14 and 16 times that one day. This is alarming to me. It makes me think that they both shared something alarming as well..
>>But then on Dec. 26 they talked between between 14 and 16 times that one day. This is alarming to me. It makes me think that they both shared something alarming as well..<<
Were these calls taped by Amber??The police weren't taping yet.
Yes, that is an amazing number of calls. Their call pattern reminds me of how it was when I was 14 and for the first time a boy called me on the phone. He would call about 10 times an hour.
It seems that maybe there was something really interesting going on, true, but we have to think back to how Scott was acting in that time period, the few times the media managed to run after him and get a clip of him. He was very clearly HIDING. And I think he was hiding from the chance that Amber would see HIM on TV--HIM, the husband of the missing WIFE. So, for that reason, I don't think their conversations had any confidences from Scott about what he had just done.