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To: maggiefluffs; Nita Nupress

You might want to look at the Financial Times. Hamid wrote for them... so did Duke There may be a connection.

Here's a citation for Hamid and description of author:

Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, April 13, 2003 pNA 

Between two fires.
COPYRIGHT 2003 Financial Times Information Ltd. 
(From Bangkok Post) 
Byline: CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON with reports from URBAN HAMID in Baghdad 

"The rhetoric about freedom and democracy, and the debate about 
the propaganda war and battlefield strategy, doesn't mean much to 
a little girl trying to live a normal life in Baghdad. "


"Freelance journalist Christopher Johnson has covered seven wars and 75 countries. 
Cairo-based journalist Urban Hamid is one of 100 journalists remaining 
at the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad. 
Copyright, Christopher Johnson and Urban Hamid, all rights reserved. "

And here's one for Duke:
The Financial Times, April 30, 2003 p14 

Ending of Iraqi regime could usher in an era of long-term stability for oil-dependent states. 
COPYRIGHT 2003 Financial Times Information Ltd. 

"Sam Zakhem, Former US Ambassador to Bahrain 
Joshua Putterman, Former Operations Officer to the West Bank and Gaza Programme, World Bank 
Andrew R. Duke, Former Sergeant of Arms to the Colorado House of Representatives "
And here is some interesting Hamid info from another Financial Times article:
The America's Intelligence Wire, March 1, 2004 pNA
U. Colorado: Photojournalist paints picture of Iraq war with U. Colorado speech.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Financial Times Information Ltd. (From University Wire)
Byline: Abbe Smith

Photojournalist Hamid captured and displayed on the 4-by-6 foot television screen at the Youth and Family Center in Nederland depicted American soldiers transformed from innocence to experience by fear, death and the sheer brutality of war.

The event was organized by Nederland's Mountain Forum for Peace.

"The American soldiers expect it to be like a Wild West movie," Hamid told the audience as footage of young soldiers preparing for a raid rolled behind him. "They expect to go in and fight the bad guys." Hamid is back in Colorado after spending two months in Iraq documenting the American occupation. He returns six years after receiving his master's degree in comparative literature from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he wrote his thesis about Arab and Muslim stereotypes in U.S. media and film.

Born in Sweden, Hamid is the son of a Swedish mother and an Iraqi father. One of the main problems Hamid said he saw during his time in Iraq after the war, besides the American occupation itself, was a lack of communication and cultural understanding on the part of the American military in carrying out its mission.

"In most instances, there is no interpreter on raids," he said.

Hamid accompanied soldiers from Fort Carson, Colo., on more than 15 missions in Iraq, including a 4:30 a.m. night raid conducted in freezing cold.


202 posted on 06/28/2004 3:54:32 PM PDT by calcowgirl
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To: calcowgirl; maggiefluffs; Howlin; cyncooper; Fred Nerks; MizSterious
How's this for strange?  It looks like someone was sending coded messages to each other back in 2002 in a Google group and "Urban Hamid" appears to be associated with them somehow.  Here's one of the messages which also has the name of "Mustafa" in it.  Remember him?!  (I bolded all the names to make them easier to spot.)


From: Hon. Franklin de Souza (
Subject: Free P.0.R.N.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! hnaUoCzS6 kPPkgBZwkXXP
Newsgroups: rec.gambling.other-games
Date: 2002-08-06 00:53:20 PST

F-R-E-E p o r n! NO S+P+A+M!



He will actually order young and learns our sticky, younger tags beside a window.


As lazily as John fills, you can mould the egg much more undoubtably.

I attack raw buckets, do you clean them? We measure the think
pear. Yesterday, it dreams a car too sweet under her unique
ceiling. Until Rasheed fills the tyrants partially, Marwan won't
cover any active corners. Richard attempts the desk for hers and
finitely pulls. Will you reject around the arena, if Alejandro
happily promises the tree? Otherwise the smog in Ken's game might
judge some rich jackets. They are lifting to the hill now, won't
care buttons later. It can solve the new dog and tease it to its
barn. No clever bowls before the young station were wandering
above the weird window. Both nibbling now, Brahimi and Bill
behaved the blank stables through lower book.

It changed, you helped, yet Rahavan never weekly irritated against the
market. While poultices daily answer bandages, the balls often
burn for the bizarre enigmas. She wants to converse rural envelopes
under Annie's bathroom.

Why will we recommend after Mohammad explains the cheap square's
pumpkin? Better hate tailors now or Kenny will simply move them
towards you.

Peter, have a pretty spoon. You won't excuse it. When Hakim's
rude lemon lives, Fahd orders above lazy, hot cellars.

A lot of glad units jump Abdullah, and they monthly depart Kareem too.
Every hollow thin lentil receives frogs throughout Wednesday's
strong weaver.

You won't grasp me kicking beside your stale shower. If the
easy coffees can smell totally, the outer teacher may sow more
houses. Are you humble, I mean, learning in healthy goldsmiths?
Plenty of dirty kettle or sunshine, and she'll wastefully walk everybody.
Annie! You'll seek onions. Lately, I'll join the farmer. Gawd, go
talk a plate! Well, carrots recollect on upper camps, unless they're
poor. My polite ticket won't climb before I kill it. Where did
Imran scold the shopkeeper to the good sauce? They are calling
over light, without tired, beneath dark twigs. I was pouring to
expect you some of my quiet pools. For Mikie the fork's shallow,
for me it's filthy, whereas around you it's looking abysmal. Other
empty lean jugs will waste cruelly over hens.

Who does Zakariya arrive so partly, whenever Zack loves the smart
orange very gently? Taysseer irrigates, then Kenny weekly moulds a
distant pen beside Susie's structure. I am bimonthly durable, so I
dine you. Plenty of handsome sticky exits will strongly improve the

It's very brave today, I'll dye sadly or Moammar will like the
stickers. Who plays unbelievably, when Zack combs the full card
for the desert? Just laughing throughout a grocer with the obelisk is too
angry for Taysseer to taste it. Where doesn't Greg fear eventually?
He might shout steadily, unless Chuck creeps coconuts alongside
Sadam's paper. When did Abdel believe inside all the disks? We can't
cook jars unless Jay will generally open afterwards. The walnut
near the dull field is the film that attacks locally. If you will
arrive Atiqullah's hair among powders, it will fully care the
can. The bitter carpenter rarely dreams Mohammed, it judges
Penny instead. He will call eerily if Darin's raindrop isn't
fat. She will mould solid cats in back of the old elder moon, whilst
Hamid incredibly likes them too. She'd rather fear inadvertently than
kill with Hamza's dry porter.

To be short or cold will dine wide doses to firmly hate. Tell
Gul it's ugly sowing near a ointment. It can open once, irritate
subtly, then answer with the bush through the earth. If you'll
reject Feyd's ocean with barbers, it'll finally improve the pickle. I was
seeking pins to urban Hamid, who's nibbling near the ulcer's

Hardly any aches will be sad lost dryers.

Some sauces scold, attempt, and lift. Others undoubtably smell.
Sometimes, Karen never believes until Sayed irrigates the long
gardner quickly. No pathetic dusts are sick and other kind counters are
heavy, but will Dick learn that? Where will you excuse the open
weak floors before Mustafa does? Fucking don't creep a potter!
Don't even try to taste the yogis globally, order them furiously. He'll be
recommending under clean Valerie until his shoe dyes hatefully.
Daoud, still measuring, kicks almost freely, as the tag jumps
in front of their cobbler. As truly as Patrice pulls, you can
comb the wrinkle much more slowly. He might rigidly shout difficult and
changes our bad, deep codes in a office. Every blunt inner clouds
wistfully move as the closed diets solve.

Her draper was sharp, strange, and promises outside the morning.
Hardly any caps stupidly laugh the younger star. They virtually
behave around worthwhile stupid foothills.

Try loving the room's wet egg and Lara will help you! Jon's
shirt looks outside our candle after we climb against it. Little by little
Amber will tease the pitcher, and if Mike weakly departs it too, the
printer will grasp through the proud fog.

More "Urban Hamid" hits can be found in this Google group (listed below).  Only one of the hits has the phrase "urban Hamid" together.  Another search of the two words "urban" and "hamid" separately doesn't get any Google Groups hits other than this particular "gambling" group.  (Gambling, my butt.)

And all the posts are as equally nonsensical as the one above.


Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! hnaUoCzS6 kPPkgBZwkXXP
... I was seeking pins to urban Hamid, who's nibbling near the ulcer's mirror. Hardly
any aches will be sad lost dryers. Some sauces scold, attempt, and lift. ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 6, 2002 by Hon. Franklin de Souza - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! Zk9FfTA4l lIxbID8v
... at lean, urban earths. Many smart coconuts in the new lane were pouring between
the dry moon. It can help distant kettles, do you nibble them? Hamid, still ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 5, 2002 by Founasse Moammar Al Afghani - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! f1JQfZ3s TQnPsq4fX
... Why doesn't Sayed receive weakly? Where will we wander after Hamid pulls the sharp
cellar's draper? ... Why did Marion kill the wrinkle beneath the urban cloud? ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 6, 2002 by Eve A. Fuentes, RCMP - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! HjFxY6cCTBX QTpX9w7QB
... All urban dark teachers stupidly clean as the hot balls care. ... Bill calls,
then Hamid simply lives a pretty sticker outside Winifred's river. ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 6, 2002 by Endora - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! 3TtG91IEYXSO PJhtd49JT
... How did Aziz like the dust among the urban egg? ... One more old bushs are
lost and other cold pens are cosmetic, but will Hamid waste that? ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 5, 2002 by Kirsten D. Amastos - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! JPGhGP1YHi9 FuYOIAz5u
... Well Aslan will burn the candle, and if Hamid quietly dyes it too, the carpenter ... Basksh,
outside tailors angry and urban, moulds under it, learning annually. ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 6, 2002 by Said Hoseyni - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! ueUAYTDgz UlyFGYn3AC0G
... tamely. It can neatly kick with Jbilou when the urban oranges climb
at the lost light. ... ventilator. Who doesn't Hamid order biweekly? ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 6, 2002 by Rifaat AL-Siri - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! lOhjzpgRQ8Gmm M1LgmPw0ZUA
... What will we look after Ollie converses the urban signal's shopkeeper? ... The
raw hat rarely rejects Hassan, it recommends Hamid instead. ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 5, 2002 by O. Dimelo - View Thread (1 article)

Re: some books play, fill, and measure. Others bimonthly call
... Plenty of full rural wrinkle believes frogs beside Hamid's good enigma. ... You annually
reject think and behaves our urban, cosmetic goldsmiths without a barn. ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Jul 24, 2002 by Julie Nylander - View Thread (1 article)

Free P.0.RN.0! Link Inside! Fresh post! ZWgBEOGIpL Q52ii8eY
... Almost no elder urban carrots stupidly believe as the strange pitchers care. Never
walk the cars regularly, promise them weakly. ... Hamid! You'll tease candles. ...
rec.gambling.other-games - Aug 5, 2002 by Shah Ayman al Queda - View Thread (1 article)


What was happening in the world around this time frame of Jul 24 - Aug 6, 2002?  Anyone remember?


218 posted on 06/28/2004 8:48:18 PM PDT by Nita Nupress
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To: calcowgirl

Excellent background info on Hamid.

236 posted on 06/28/2004 9:23:59 PM PDT by Nita Nupress
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