Her comments about this seem kind of shallow. I would like to see more books for men...how to treat a woman nicely. If men had the right learning, they might be more confident about getting married.
"God's Gift to Women," by Eric Ludy.
She gives a warning at the beginning of the book that if you are in an abusive or destructive environment, this book is not for you.
I don't like everything Dr. Laura says, but the book is a basic rule book to give the ground work to help the marriage where feminism has failed all of us.
Our men are not the enemy, Our sons are not to be ignored. They have basic needs, and mothers/wives are the nurturers. That is what her book is about.
Getting back to basics. Take care of your men, they will gladly take care of you.
However, again in destructive or abusive relationships, this cannot work.
If Girls want the Guys whom the date to treat them nicely, here's a radical concept: Girls should date the Guys who do treat them nicely.
Shocking concept, I know. But it's crazy enough, it just might work...
By and large, Men do not respond to self-help books and deep, personal introspection. It's not in our nature. We respond to direct, immediate positive reinforcement: appreciate our strengths, our virtues, our passions and compassions, and we are putty -- putty -- in your feminine hands.
Unfortunately for the women-folk, this radical idea demands a necessary corollary: Don't date scumbags. I know, it's going pretty far out on the limb to suggest such a thing, but work with me here:
And as far as the "Bad Boys" go... shun them, spurn them, refuse them and embarass them with your denials -- and Darwinian Sexual Selection (which even a Creationist will admit, is true insofar as it goes) will take care of eliminating the chaff, over time.
best, OP