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1 posted on 06/23/2004 10:42:14 AM PDT by churchillbuff
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To: churchillbuff

Yep. And every one of these Christians who lack wisdom and self-control, and thus try to evangelize Jews, are the #1 cause of the problem.

How are we going to ally against Islam when evangelists work every day to sabotage the bridges between Judaism and Christianity?

2 posted on 06/23/2004 10:44:35 AM PDT by thoughtomator (Islam delenda est)
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To: churchillbuff
FWIW, IMHO if you listed the 100 problems facing American Jews...this wouldn't crack the top fifty...The TWO biggest are

1. Increasing secularism among American Jews...

2. Intermariage..

3 posted on 06/23/2004 10:45:40 AM PDT by ken5050
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To: churchillbuff
there is something that many American Jews fear in their heart of hearts even more than they fear Moslem anti-Semitism, and that is white Christian anti-Semitism.
Sounds like a rational fear.  I mean, remember all the pogoms after The Passion?


”Guns Before Butter.”

6 posted on 06/23/2004 10:49:38 AM PDT by End Times Sentinel (Meat, it's what you're made of.)
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To: churchillbuff
Gee I wonder why you posted this.

And changed the title.

10 posted on 06/23/2004 10:52:53 AM PDT by AmishDude
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To: churchillbuff

"..of what they think the goyim might one day do to them-a fear they entertain despite the fact that, apart from some social exclusions and other ethnic prejudices that existed up to the end of World War II, Jews have never faced serious anti-Semitism from the white Christian majority in this country. "

I think these views were developed in Eastern and Central Europe due to periodic pogroms there and transported to America and re-assigned to White Christians. Out fits like the KKK didn't help things either and there is still an undercurrent of anti-Semitism in America although I would say it is rapidly declining.

I think more Christian Americans than ever before sympathize with Jews and Israel and rightly view Islam as a common threat and danger.

18 posted on 06/23/2004 11:01:40 AM PDT by ZULU
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To: churchillbuff
First of all, as crazy as it may sound, there is something that many American Jews fear in their heart of hearts even more than they fear Moslem anti-Semitism, and that is white Christian anti-Semitism.

Tell yourself a lie often enough by transferring your European habits upon innocent Americans and you get to live with the consequences.

Maybe the liberals might then start to muse upon what they did to bring about this chain of events? Might the ACLU even stop persecuting Christianity?


20 posted on 06/23/2004 11:05:38 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column)
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To: churchillbuff

There is still Christian and secular anti-Semitism in the USA - a lot of it - but it very rarely errupts into anything more serious than graffiti. It is the same with anti-Catholicism; it is widespread, but is rarely expressed with violence or criminal acts. For the most part, Americans have learned to keep their resentments and prejudices at the verbal level, or even to repress them entirely. And you can't really expect much more than that.

23 posted on 06/23/2004 11:08:48 AM PDT by Steve_Seattle
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To: churchillbuff

A female Jewish friend of mine recently referred to some co-workers as "satanists," and I was surprised when I realized she was referring to Christians. The Jewish fear of Christians is apparently very deep. Christians need to realize that many Jews to this day regard Jesus as an evil being.

27 posted on 06/23/2004 11:12:13 AM PDT by Steve_Seattle
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To: churchillbuff; SJackson
The Jews had a safe home here in the colonies in the 17th century, before they had a home in Palestine in the 19th century.

Read On Two Wings a paen to the two wings of American political origins - Protestant and Jewish - written by Michael Novak, a Catholic.

Honestly, for such smart people, Jewish stupidly is going to do them in.

Let me say this slowly and clearly, American Evangelicals love Jews because our Holy Scriptures are filled with them and our founder was a Jew. If there were no Jews, there would be no Christians.

42 posted on 06/23/2004 11:20:20 AM PDT by happygrl
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To: churchillbuff

Ah, my beloved elder bretheren, the Islamists will gladly kill either of us; given a choice, they will kill you first.

44 posted on 06/23/2004 11:22:50 AM PDT by JimRed (Fight election fraud! Volunteer as a local poll watcher, challenger or district official.)
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To: churchillbuff crazy as it may sound, there is something that many American Jews fear in their heart of hearts even more than they fear Moslem anti-Semitism, and that is white Christian anti-Semitism.

That IS crazy, because white Christians are generally supportive of Jews and Israel, and I have yet to read of a single incident where a white Christian drove a car bomb into a crowded Jewish coffee shop.

57 posted on 06/23/2004 11:31:07 AM PDT by webheart
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To: churchillbuff
Okay. This is really heady stuff. It just so happens that last night I attempted to post a very long, honest, well-argued, and relatively unemotional response to an anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist diatribe of Joe Sobran's (y'sh"v!) posted by rightwing Catholics on the religion board. After typing for probably over half an hour I clicked "post" only to learn that the thread had been pulled. This article, criticizing Jewish liberalism from a conservative Jewish perspective, offers a more pleasant opportunity to make the same points and ask the same questions.

The real object of Jewish fears

First of all, as crazy as it may sound, there is something that many American Jews fear in their heart of hearts even more than they fear Moslem anti-Semitism, and that is white Christian anti-Semitism. Steinlight himself pointed to this phenomenon at a recent panel discussion hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies:

"Every high profile Jewish institution, whether it's a national organization or a major synagogue, is surrounded by concrete barriers to prevent car bombs exploding too close to the buildings. If you go through the lobbies into those buildings you have to pass metal detectors and double-doors of bulletproof glass. You are then frisked by security guards, mostly retired New York City police or Israeli agents, and then are scanned again with metal detectors.

"What is truly comic about this-were it not an instance in the theatre of the absurd, and were it not so appalling an indication of the kind of mass denial that is still governing major American Jewish organizations, including the one I used to work for that's currently meeting across the street-is that the staffs of these organizations pass the car bomb barriers, go through the double bulletproof glass lobbies, get frisked, then go upstairs into their offices and spend their days talking about the threats posed by evangelical Christians...."

What delicious sarcasm! It's about time that someone other than the evangelicals themselves mentioned this absurdity. But it doesn't go far enough.

First, when it comes to the distinction between the Jews and Goyei Ha'Aretz (the nations of the earth), ALL non-Jews are Goyim. This includes Arabs, moslems, Blacks, Hispanics, pygmies, Australian aborigines, etc. It is most strange and inappropriate that only certain non-Jews are considered "goyim" while so many others are apparently "honorary Jews."

Second, it is absolutely amazing that the term "chr*stian" has been narrowed to the point where it applies only to rural Anglo-American folk Protestants (and, on occasion, to the Western European and North American sections of the Catholic Church). The fact that so many Jews who "hate evangelical chr*stianity" are absolutely in love with American Blacks (whose non-classification as "fundamentalists," "evangelicals," and apparently even as "chr*stians" is apparently a matter of melanin). Of course, this ludicrous belief in a sophisticated liberal Black folk culture is not limited to Jewish liberals. His Bloatedness, Ted Kennedy, once famously declaimed that if the "chr*stian right" had its way evolution could not be taught in schools and Blacks could not sit at lunch counters (Nat Turner and Darwin--what a match!), and even "palaeoconservative" superhero H. L. Mencken (may his name be blotted out!), the famous defamer of Southern fundamentalists at Dayton, was a big fan of Southern fundamentalists with black skins. Evidently there is something profoundly disturbing about white people acting like "savages" by believing in the supernatural that turns the stomachs of liberal lovers of "people of color."

In a similar vain(sp?), how many liberal Jewishs horrified by Gibson's film would be seized by orgiastic ecstasy at the prospect of "quaint" Mexican peasants literally crucifying themselves in a frenzy of illiterate folk-Catholicism? The "anti-chr*stianity" of these Jews simply cannot be what it claims to be, else snake-handling Black Baptists and self-crucifying Mexican peasants (both of whom probably all believe that all Jews must either convert or be eternally damned) would not be looked on as common victims of the hideous redneck.

As a redneck Noachide who came to Torah not out of a rejection of my own heritage or an attraction to "cosmopolitanism" or "urbanity" but simply because it is the authentic Biblical revelation, I have my own idiosyncratic and otherwise unheard of reason for this selective "anti-chr*stianism" of American Jewish liberals.

The fact is that rural American folk Protestants are hated by liberal Jews because they more than any other people remind them of who their ancestors really were. Rural, heathen-killing farmers named Caleb and Jedidiah cannot help but make modern liberal Jews, and even some Jews who are not so liberal, uncomfortable.

Rightwing anti-Jewish chr*stians (the real ones, I mean) are not the only people who take comfort from the claim that Judaism is not the original Hebrew religion of the Bible and that Judaism began two thousand years ago as a new religion (based not on Sinai but on the rejection of the claims of the Nazarene, and maybe even the TaNa"KH itself) by a new people made up exclusively of sophisticated scholars (never mind that the Talmud probably has more to say about agriculture than any other religious work in history). Now liberal secular Jews, and even some overly sophisticated urban and professional Orthodox Jews, can safely write off all those unpleasant, intolerant, and "irrational" commandments such as wars of extermination against evil nations and the performance of animal sacrifices.

It is because the "rednecks" love them that so many Jews hate the "rednecks." The idea of some yokel looking at them with starry eyed admiration for a descendant of the Biblical Joshua sends them into paroxysms. "That wasn't us! We only appear like that on the surface! If understood correctly Joshua was actually a pasty-skinned harmless little scholar who would never even have eaten meat!" Or sometimes these uncomfortable things about Judaism, REAL Judaism, are dismissed by being simply attributed to chr*stianity altogether (like the six day creation, Theocracy, and the Ten Commandments). Is it any wonder that liberal Jews, and some not so liberal Jews, go to extreme lengths to distance themselves from anything so associated with the "naive" Charlton Heston-inspired view of Jewishness that Obadiah and his wife Jemimah have?

Jews have been too long away from the Land of Israel in more ways than one. It wasn't enough merely to move there and set up homes and offices that could have existed just as well and in more safety in Manhattan. Jews must return to the "unsophisticated" proto-redneck qualities of their decidedly non-cosmopolitan ancestors. There must be not only Jewish doctors and lawyers in Israel but Jewish farmers and shepherds--not the secular socialists of the early "pioneering" days but people dedicated to G-d and His Eternal Torah. Perhaps the restored Messianic Israel will be a pre-industrial, agrarian society; who knows? There are already groups and individuals who advocate the restoration of the Sanhedrion and the Temple. There is even an organization trying to restore the ancient Biblical clothing and dress of the ancient Jews. Why are so many even Orthodox Jews uncomfortable with these things? Is it because it punctures a centuries old false image of aloof scholarly sophistication??? Huh? Is it????

Finally, maybe Jews will even have to abandon the non-Jewish names that are so identified as "Jewish" which they have worn only since about the time of Napoleon and return to both Hebrew names and the authentic form of Jewish names (peloni ben 'almoni).

The goal of true Torah Zionism is not "progress" but reaction, the turning back of the clock eventually to the reentering of the Garden of Eden. To stop at merely moving there and fail to continue the return to the ancient authentic Jewish life is not Zionism at all.

Many Jews (even some Orthodox) are hostile to rural Bible-banging Theocratic heathen-killing "yahoos" because they are running away from their own past. And if "quintessential Jews" are named Irving and Shirley and are bankers or attorneys or business magnates in New York City (and by extension project this view of Yiddishkeit onto their ancient Biblical ancestors and the contemporary Yishuv) then who can blame so many non-Jews for assuming the same stereotypes?

In other words, maybe Irving and Shirley's problem with Obadiah and Jemimah and their farm is that they themselves are not named Obadiah and Jemimah and raising sacrificial animals and crops in the Holy Land.

I know my view will be dismissed by many as naive in the extreme and I will be told that the "swords and sandals" view of the ancient Jews so many Obadiahs and Jemimahs have is based on an unfamiliarity with the Oral Torah (though the Oral Torah is itself "retro" in the extreme). I will answer that this may be true, but Obadiah's and Jemimah's naive "chr*stian-viewed" Jews would have expelled the goyim, reinstituted the Sanhedrion, and rebuilt the Temple by now. Perhaps all the Irvings and Shirleys (the liberals and the not-so-liberals) hold the greatest antipathy for Obadiah and Jemimah because no other people so reminds them of their miserable failure to do their duty.

PS: As an afterthought, has anyone noticed that the current "religious fanatic" character (complete with a twisted sort of cross) in World Wrestling Entertainment is named MORDEKHAI?????


133 posted on 06/23/2004 4:04:05 PM PDT by Zionist Conspirator (Kisei' vaMizbeach! (BiYrushalayim HaBenuyah!!))
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To: churchillbuff
Mass Moslem immigration into America combined with world-wide Moslem Jew-hatred poses an unprecedented threat to American Jews

Actually, it poses an unprecedented threat to America. ....period.

135 posted on 06/23/2004 7:35:00 PM PDT by Mr. Mojo
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To: churchillbuff
Why did your post get so many resposes?
I posted this article first.
147 posted on 06/24/2004 10:08:16 AM PDT by rmlew (Peaceniks and isolationists are objectively pro-Terrorist)
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To: churchillbuff
Given the wildly overwrought suspicions that some Jews harbor about the American Christian majority who are in fact the Jews' best friends in the world, it is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.

This is something that I just don't get (and I'm Jewish!). It's typical of liberal thought, though. They simply don't allow the facts to get in the way of their beliefs. For instance, if they want to see an example of exactly what they're looking for, a "racially diversified, de-Christianized country," all they need to do is look towards France.


151 posted on 06/24/2004 10:19:15 AM PDT by MarkL (The meek shall inherit the earth... But usually in plots 6' x 3' x 6' deep...)
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To: churchillbuff
I understand why Jews were among the biggest lobbyists for mass non-European immigration and multiculturalism from the 50's-90's in countries like USA/UK/Canada/Australia,if i feared persecution in a 'white' Christian country i would do the same.The ACLU,DIVERSE IMMIGRANT ADVOCACY and similar groups started by Jewish thinkers sure did seem like a good idea at the time.

However,now none of these 4 countries are 'Christian',and i'm not sure the 'diversity' lobbyists expected the change in demographics to occur so fast.The same groups they were lobbying to enter the host countries,may be the same ones who end up persecuting them worse than any 'white' Christians.

Anyone with half a brain knows the diversity dogma has done little besides turn western nations into torn ethnic ghettos,but hindsight is 20/20 and i'm sure that the Jewish intention wasnt to turn western nations into wastelands(as certain founding fathers and pioneers said when they tried to not allow Jews into 'frontier' America for fear of Jews doing to America what they had supposedly to Europe,and as Hitler said over 100 years later).

The best thing Christians,Jews and others who enjoy the values of western culture is to take a realistic look at the situation and work out sane immigration policies that work for everyone who loves freedom and our collective way of life.

157 posted on 06/24/2004 10:49:54 AM PDT by helmz28
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To: churchillbuff

Orthodox Jews are friends of America and our Christian Heritage. Secular Jews are our real enemies. They destroy everything that is good in a society (in any society, including Israel). Behind the destruction of each of America's moral landmarks there will be a secular Jew lurking somewhere.

163 posted on 06/29/2004 10:31:32 PM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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