It is because, by their cravenly cowardly capitulation before the barbarians' bloody bombings, they showed themselves to be beneath even our contempt!"
You're good at alliteration, but I'm not sure you're right. The degree of their capitulation should make us think more on what happened, not less, since the ramifications of it are potentially so serious.
<< The degree of their capitulation should make us think more on what happened, not less, since the ramifications of it are potentially so serious. >>
We have been serious in our total contempt for the majority of the population of spain and for that matter for the populations of every one of the 'old-europe' corruptocracies now counted among the seriously-doomed euro-peon neo-soviet's sorry and squalidly-socialistic satellite states.
Very seriously contemptuous -- and seriously aware that not one of those seriously squalid states would even any longer exist but for a hundred years of the serious sacrifices of the blood and treasure of the seriously superior men of our seriously superior Nation.
Stiff upper lip, Batrachian!
The main reason we are witnessing atrocities (beheadings, not panty hoods!) is due to the despicable cowardice displayed by the spineless Spanish socialist government!