Ha, I did it when I saw Hillary's book on display and got chuckles and thumbs up. Don't credit me for bravery as I live in a staunch GOP town peppered with very few libs.
I heard a snippet on Sean's radio show where Slick claimed Gingrich had great, innovative ideas that they oten discussed, but that wasn't why he became Speaker. Gingrich was only rewarded after publically condemning some of Slick's policies. He added, "in private it was a different story", implying there was a bond there. There are bound to be repercussions from all these interviews and I can't wait to hear from those mentioned, starting with Gingrich.
I'm sure we'll also hear from Dick Morris who will dispute his claim that no one knew about Monica. Morris knew as he ran a poll saying the country may forgive you if you come clean. Instead he stonewalled and gave the I Did Not Have Sex speech.
There are bound to be repercussions from all these interviews and I can't wait to hear from those mentioned, starting with Gingrich.
Sad to say, Newt was dazzled by Bubba. Dazzled and conned, over and over again.