Oh MAN! I am so sorry that happened. I would defintely file a lawsuit on the jerk and notify the press. what was his justifcation for handcuffing her??? at least there were witnesses to the fact that she was handcuffed.
that is a story that could easily make the press. i would notify the press in your area. newspaper, tv, civil rights groups and radio. i believe in shining the spotlight on corrption- otherwise they will continue.
He was just being abusive because he could. He told her, "You don't know how bad a day I've had."
Yeah, well he ruined my wife's day. And I can't think of any possible reason why. I have never seen a subpoena that requires instantaneous production of information. Usually you have 21 days to comply.
I generally support the police and think they do a great job. But there are some cops who have no business being cops.