Your diatribe:
"Oh wow, I'm thrilled. I'm sure my ggggrandfather that was killed in battle; and his wife that was left to raise 3 children alone; and all the other men and women that were killed in battle or murdered; and the women and children that were raped; and the southerners that starved thanks to the union army destroying their crops and slaughtering their livestock; and those left homeless when towns, convents and churches were leveled by union armies; and the preachers forced to pray for Lincoln; and all those that had their gold, silver, money, jewels and other valuable property stolen by union soldiers; and those that lost their land after the war - I'm sure they will all be forever warmed and encouraged by you words. I'm sure that they all are comforted by your concern, and gladly welcome the sacrifices made in the effort to preserve a union they wanted no part of."
Go cry me a river Oh Sussanah.
If you don't like this country, buh bye.
Possibly your misplaced anger should be placed on the Southern aristocracy and just maybe the question was why were average Southern boys fighting for those with plantations and slaves.
We already tried that - the yankees fought to supress our right "to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness".
We will never forget.
Bravo Sierra. That's like saying you're fighting for John F'n Kerry's mansions and yatchs.