I agree that the Soviet Threat was greater. I remember growing up in the 70's and fearing an attack since we lived in an urban area which was full of factories making jet fighters and other weapons.
But there is one difference. Our country has changed since the WW2 and Cold War days. My Parents and Uncles generation seemed to be more unified in meeting the challenges that they faced. Today, the demographics are different and we have more leftist, rinos, and the MTV generation that we have to deal with. Don't get me wrong, we have some fine people today. A friend of mine has a cousin in the marines fighting in Iraq and has just been awarded the Bronze Star (I have to say that he's 42 years old).
What it come down to is that the Soviets were a greater threat but as a country, we were up to the task of defeating the. The question is, does President Bush have the needed citizens to beat back them extremist Muslims. I think so but the country is certainly much more divided now than it was under President Reagan.
I don't mean to take anything away from President Reagan. He did defeat the Soviet Union but did he defeat Communism? It seems to me that the left has taken on a new form and maybe more dangerous in the likes of George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and the people at the Ford Foundation.
I'm a little out of practice in my posting.
Art Torres, Cruz Bustamonte etc, Boxer, etc, etc etc. Sometimes I think when Reagan smoked the former Soviet Union, all the commies immigrated here.
Good post, no problem with the spelling/typos, I make them all the time.......