Funny... Tim McVeigh didn't HAVE any ties to the militia movement. That was all a big whoop-dee-do caused by the liberal media, Bill Clinton and that little paranoid, lunatic-fringe psychopath Senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter. Oh, yeah, a friend of his went to a militia meeting once.
But the funny thing is, McVeigh did what he did to oppose US policy in the middle east. Sorta puts him closer to Al Qaeda and Hussein than the militias. (The "racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist" Michigan Militia had a black, gay, socialist woman as its president at the time.)
So militias are on their way back? Well, I don't know anyone in one, but I can't think that's a problem. The article equates them with domestic terrorism. I would like to hear one domestic terrorist act ever perpetrated by a militia. Seems they've been more often the VICTIMS of Clinton-sponsored domestic terrorism.
Absolutely correct, and there's much more to McVeigh than it seems we'll ever know. Another thing, when there's a big hit by Muslim "extremists", there's a sudden surge of white-supremists hit pieces on TV, notice that?
The Hitler Channel chose to run back-to-back stuff on the Mafia and other over-used subjects during Memorial Day weekend (until Monday at least). Try writing them a complaint via email, you'll find that they have a very strictly controlled email system; one has to stay in certain categories with pull-down menus and you are limited to those categories--unless someone has found the way to get around them.