Thursday update.
Thanks RG. Good Article. "The defendant starts to cry for you?" LOL Next question.
I gotta leave this office. Back when I get home. DON'T ALL YOU SCOWS LEAVE 'K!!! CO
Hey, it took my dense little mind a while, but that article really makes it clear: the Medina burglars couldn't be the ones who took Laci. The dog was found with the muddy leash at 10:18 a.m., and the Medinas didn't even LEAVE--and thus their burglary didn't even happen--till at least 10:30 a.m.
CO is right. The defense is being increasingly boxed in as to the time.
Another good point that has been brought up before, but which bears repeating: If you are a stranger and you kill someone in a place which ISN'T associated with YOU in any way, WHY would you bother to carry the body away? The place where the body is found is not going to give away your identity! If, OTOH, you kill someone on your own "turf"--in a place which IS associated with YOU--then you may well want to get that telltale body out of there. More proof that if Laci was killed in her home, she was killed by someone whose identity was ASSOCIATED WITH THAT PLACE. Someone, for example, who also lived there.