I am a little cautious about what the Dutch would consider conservative.
When she was still in the socialist party she wanted to put the issue high on the political agenda. But the party did not support her view, because it was afraid that it would play into Fortuyn's hands.
Hirsi Ali sounds moderate, probably libertarian. She is a FORMER socialist, but grew quite disenchanted when the Dutch Socialist Party absolutely refused to take Islamism's threat seriously. It sounds like she's been a member of one of the Dutch conservative parties for a couple years.
Hirsi Ali is no Alan Keyes but she's no Jesse Jackson either. She opposes multicultural and bilingual programs, is perhaps Europe's harshest mainstream critic of Islam after Italy's Orianna Fallaci, she opposes foreign aid, and she regularly talks about the cost of Dutch social programs. Certainly an ally in our battle against jihadists. Condoleezza Rice would have her over for dinner.