Schu-Park Rangers and Helicopters cost a lot of money. When rangers aren't making rescuse, they have time to be rangers. Paradise is in a National Park. There are trail usage fees, but these are more for upkeep in Wilderness areas like the William O Douglas area that borders the park. I don't know for sure but have never seen RMI dollars used for this.
By the way, my old steed Rastas has been on a few search and rescues, but not on Mt Rainier.
I guess the main point is that bad stuff happens to good folks in the mountains sometimes. The wilderness can be quite unforgiving.
I am sorry one of the climbers passed away. The other one is being airlifted to Harborview(80 miles) as we speak.
When I had to pay for my son to be airlifted 8 miles last summer,it cost $9,000. Guess what, I had to pay it.