So, let's see if I have this straight.
This nice man, Mr. Moore, knew he had in his possession unseen video of Nick Berg, now deceased, which might very well have been the last video taken of Berg -- yet until broke the story, he didn't bother to call them up and tell them about it?
Now I really AM wondering why he didn't put this video in his film.
Take a look at this:
From his web site on May 5th:
"There is much more to tell, but right now I am in the lab working on the print to take to the Cannes Film Festival next week (we have been chosen as one of the 18 films in competition)."
So on the 5th of May, he was still in the lab working on this movie; Berg's death was announced on the 8th of May, the news of the video came out on the 11th.
And I'd like to remind everyone that NB went missing back in April.
Does anyone have the exact date that Berg was killed?