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To: Dolphy

Yes, I agree Berg certainly was capable! Guess it's time for all you folks in the US to go to bed...I'll catch up with everyone with my morning coffee...goodnight from Australia.

1,858 posted on 06/03/2004 10:46:47 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (WHAT DID MICHAEL MOORE KNOW ABOUT BERG AND WHEN DID HE KNOW IT)
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To: Fred Nerks; Dolphy; calcowgirl; Howlin; Ann Archy; GOP_1900AD; Rennes Templar; FL_engineer; ...
This is an index of the research done thus far on this thread. Its purpose was so I could navigate back to key points more easily and not have to save every little tidbit of research on my hard drive.  Just remember it's not meant to contain all the facts; it's an index to the contents of this particular thread. Nothing more, nothing less.

The links are primarily from this thread but also included are links to external sources (e.g., Michael Moore's website, other forums talking about Nick Berg, etc.). Not all links have been copied and pasted to this thread, so if you really want to save something, you better hurry before it disappears. In most cases, I summarized the topic of the link in parentheses to give the reader a clue on where the link will take him.  Hopefully this will let you avoid unnecessary trips to data you already know.

This is a rush-job and is not meant to be exhaustive.  I tried to limit the index to replies that contain facts and not speculative opinion; however, some replies contain both.  If the facts were important, I included the reply anyway. Inevitably, you will find things I've overlooked or find replies that should have been included.  Feel free to make suggestions or even improve this and repost your own version. :-)

There are many things below that are jumbled in my mind (e.g., the missing aunt & uncle in Iraq), so it would help if people would contribute concise summaries about the main concepts they understand. And if anyone has the time, these summaries can be included in any later, updated versions. (Note: I will not be doing this as I'm already getting busy with other things & don't have time.)

Links containing **pivotal discoveries** or other important data are highlighted to facilitate easy navigation.  The names that are associated with those highlighted links are in red font. (Backhoe's thread.  THE definitive place to find FR threads on this subject.)


278 posted on 05/28/2004 by FL_engineer (Michael Moore)

279 posted on 05/28/2004 by roughrider (Aziz K. Aziz)


771 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin

782 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin (summarizes article linked in #763)

783 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin (correction to earlier timeline?)

932 posted on 05/28/2004 by nunya bidness (original source

939 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin

1,653 posted on 06/01/2004 by Dolphy (NB's travels in Iraq)

1,716 posted on 06/01/2004 by nunya bidness (updated NB Timeline - scroll to top of reply)


Aziz Kadoory Aziz -- Nick Berg's "business partner" in Iraq. 
a.k.a. Aziz K. Aziz; Kadoory; Aziz Kadorry; Kadoory Aziz; Kadoury Aziz Aziz; Joe Aziz; Aziz Al-Taee; Aziz Altaee; Aziz Taee; Aziz Al-Taie; and Aziz Taie

820 posted on 05/28/2004 by MizSterious (article - 5/17/04,  Philadelphia Daily News - "Berg Met With Shady Iraqi")

875 posted on 05/28/2004 countess (contains link to Patriots Rally in D.C where Aziz spoke)

892 posted on 05/28/2004 by Trinity_Tx (info re: Glenn Beck show appearance)

942 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress (article - 5/19/93, PR Newswire, "Crack Vial Distributors Charged in Drug Conspiracy")

**1,360 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (Contains biographical & corporation info on Aziz, who once ran a website called 

1,567 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl (how NB met Aziz)

1,440 posted on 05/29/2004 by FL_engineer  (Aziz had access to NB's cell phone records)

1,575 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl (More documentation on how NB met Aziz -- at the Arlington, VA conference last December or in Baghdad?)

1,606 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl (Snapple's first-hand account of American Iraqi Council)

1,624 posted on 05/31/2004 by Fred Nerks (the last person to talk to NB?)

1,796 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl (links to research on Aziz)

1,811 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl (Court records for distributing cocaine for Jabar Pierre Bouayad and Aziz Kadoory Aziz)

1,815 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl (prison records for "Kadoury Aziz Aziz")

1,825 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl  (article about "Aziz Al-Taee's cousin" who was "cut into little pieces")

1,834 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl (Aziz analysis)

Amina Bouayad Aziz -- Aziz's wife - aka Amina Bouayad & Amina Aziz

1,485 posted on 05/30/2004 by Nita Nupress  (Property transfer records; 3/8/03 article on an "Amina Aiz" in Iraq)

1,811 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl (Court records for distributing cocaine for Jabar Pierre Bouayad and Aziz Kadoory Aziz)

1,812 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl  ("Rochelle A. Bouayad" [possible "Amina" hit] and ""JOHN P MOSCONY INC PHILADELPHIA PA"

1,814 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl  (prison records for Jabar Pierre Bouayad)

1,822 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl (PA business records for PIERRE BOYAYAD and AMINA BOYAYAD)

Nick Berg's (NB) e-mails

821 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin (Berg family's email re: how Nick is missing)

570 posted on 05/28/2004 by scott7278

1,152 posted on 05/29/2004 by Howlin (26 Dec 2003 email)

1,213 posted on 05/29/2004 by garandgal (info on "Man is more than fire tamed" phrase)

1,221 posted on 05/29/2004 by Miss Marple (analysis of email posted at 1152)

1,260 posted on 05/29/2004 by RonDog (links to emails)

1,607 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl  (email from Berg with detailed info about the towers at Abu Ghraib -- not on website)

1,626 posted on 05/31/2004 by Dolphy (analysis of email posted in 1607 above)

 1,647 posted on 05/31/2004 by FL_engineer (addresses the "Yassin's" that NB mentions in his Jan 4 2004 email)

1,716 posted on 06/01/2004 by nunya bidness (full text - NB's emails from 25 Jul 2002, 29 Nov 2002, 7 Mar 2003, 23 Mar 2003, 5 April 2003, 26 Dec 2003, 04 Jan 2004, and January 18 2004)

Nick Berg & Al-Qaeda in Ghana/Uganda circa 1998

1,016 posted on 05/28/2004 by Hildy

1,022 posted on 05/28/2004 by A Citizen Reporter

1,043 posted on 05/28/2004 by Hildy (article -

1,045 posted on 05/28/2004 by countess (link to MSNBC article re: our military in Africa)

1,129 posted on 05/28/2004 by cookcounty (S.I.T., the school NB was associated with in Uganda) (info on who funded NB's trip to Kenya)

1,273 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl  (info on American Jewish World Service, which funded his Kenya trip)

1,436 posted on 05/29/2004 by FL_engineer (contains map of Uganda & Kenya)

Philip J. Berg
(Philadelphia lawyer; possible Berg relative?)

1,770 posted on 06/02/2004 by a noble vision

1,785 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl

1,785 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl

1,794 posted on 06/02/2004 by a noble vision (Philip Berg's lawsuit)

Andrew Robert Duke
- one of the last people to see NB alive in Baghdad.  NB's drinking buddy.
aka Andrew R. Duke, Andrew Duke, Andy Duke

347 posted on 05/28/2004 by ravingnutter (refers to NB's alleged $70K income; link to article)

1,515 posted on 05/30/2004 by Fred Nerks (a newspaper quote from Duke)

1,618 posted on 05/31/2004 by Nita Nupress (misc. info)

Scott Hollinger
- friend of NB. The only other person besides Michael Berg who said NB was a Bush/war supporter.

337 posted on 05/28/2004 by woofie

Hugo Infante

** 1,216 posted on 05/29/2004 by FL_engineer (timeline comparison of Hugo Infante & NB travels.  Correction to this post at 1,222)

1,437 posted on 05/29/2004 by FL_engineer

1,818 posted on 06/03/2004 by FL_engineer

1,844 posted on 06/03/2004 by Fred Nerks (portrayal of Hugo, the photographer & how he fits in the picture)

Ahmad Kuba
- on Board of Directors of the Iraqi American Council with Aziz.  He's a.k.a. Ahmed Kubba and perhaps Sam Kubba.

1,403 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (article, 3/21/03, Asia Africa Intelligence Wire - shows connection between Kuba & Aziz)

1,481 posted on 05/30/2004 by calcowgirl (article on "Rebuilding Iraq" conference: 12/5/03, NYTimes. -- Ahmad Kuba same person as Sam Kuba?)

1,569 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl (Ahmad Kuba and Sam Kuba info)

Mudafer / Al-Mudafer
/ Muzaffar / Al-Muzaffar / Yassin / Yasin
- those elusive relatives in Iraq!  I'm still confused on this and would appreciate it if someone would summarize what we've found thus far.  Until then, here is a summary by calcowgirl that I lifted from the thread:  "Nick's email used the name Mudafer in reference to his uncle's family. News reports used the name al-Muzfar with respect to same. I suggested that possibly it was the same as Al-Muzaffar. Nita posted validation that the press has used the name Al-Mudafer synonymously with Al-Muzaffar."

** 1,647 posted on 05/31/2004 by FL_engineer (various info about the various "Yassins."  A summary of this reply as it relates to family ties is at 1,661)

** 1,717 posted on 06/01/2004 by calcowgirl (early news report about a "Mustafa al-Muzfar" residing in Mosul)

1,732 posted on 06/02/2004 by FL_engineer (explanation of how Iraqis use tribal names)

1,746 posted on 06/02/2004 by christie (more comparison of Mustafa/Muzfar, etc. names)

1,752 posted on 06/02/2004 by FL_engineer (ditto)

1,817 posted on 06/03/2004 by FL_engineer (the uncle lives near Baghdad, not Mosul)

1,791 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl (Mudafer vs. Al-Muzaffar info)

** 1,797 posted on 06/02/2004 by Nita Nupress  ("Sami al-Muzaffar" = "Sami Mahdi Al-Mudafer".  They are likely the same person according to this 5/18/03 LATimes article)

1,804 posted on 06/02/2004 by calcowgirl (list of "Muzaffar"s in Pennsylvania)

1,824 posted on 06/03/2004 by Nita Nupress  (4/11/03; Newcastle Herald article on Mustafa Al-Mudafer, a Maitland-based Iraqi who grew up in Basra, owns a kebab shop, and is an English-educated chemical engineer who lived in Australia when the article was written.  One of the "bullet" articles.)

1,825 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl (The other "bullet" article)

1,828 posted on 06/03/2004 by FL_engineer (more analysis)

1,834 posted on 06/03/2004 by calcowgirl (more analysis)

Pete Tridish
(see "Prometheus Radio Project")

Dylan Wyrnn (see "Prometheus Radio Project")


Prometheus Methods Tower Services, Inc. -- Nick Berg's company. Incorporated by sister (Sara) in Virgina.

1,544 posted on 05/30/2004 by Rennes Templar (Explanation of what the word "Prometheus" means)

1,023 posted on 05/28/2004 by Trinity_Tx

1,160 posted on 05/29/2004 by Trinity_Tx

1,252 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (link to ANSWER petition info)

1,274 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (Incorporation records)

1,466 posted on 05/30/2004 by Dolphy (Berg at the "Rebuilding Iraq" conference)

1,707 posted on 06/01/2004 by calcowgirl (explanation of possible link between Prometheus Tower, Aziz, and Prometheus Radio)

Prometheus Radio Project / Pete Tridish (aka Dylan Wrynn) - Left-wing activist company in Philadelphia run by 4 people: Pete Tridish, Bruce Hall, Marissa Johnson, and Hannah Sassaman ( 
-From their website: The Prometheus Radio Project is an activist organization that fights for more democratic ownership and regulation of media. Prometheus advocates for community organizations that want to start radio stations, and has helped build the first radio stations owned by civil rights and environmental organizations in the United States.

-Funded by Soros, Ford Foundation & other leftist funding sources.

-From their website: "In the spirit of neighbors pulling together to put up a new building, Prometheus gathers low power radio applicants, journalists, radio engineers, students, lawyers, musicians, activists and folks from across the country to raise the antenna mast, build the studio... and flip on the station switch!"

1,082 posted on 05/28/2004 by livius (a "Carol Berg" on their Board of Directors?)

1,092 posted on 05/28/2004 by Trinity_Tx (only source for that is the leftist site

1,265 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (no info on them at IRS website)

1,283 posted on 05/29/2004 by livius (excerpt from Prometheus Radio website)

1,298 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (subsidiary of a registered non-profit?)

1,301 posted on 05/29/2004 by MizSterious (gets funding from Tides Foundation. There is also documentation of this on their website.)

1,838 posted on 06/03/2004 by Nita Nupress

1,465 posted on 05/30/2004 by Dolphy (example of them setting up a station to help farm workers organize)

**1,482 posted on 05/30/2004 by Nita Nupress  (3 articles)

1. 5/18/02 - "Taking to the Airwaves" - gives background and history of low-power FM radio;  Pete Tridish/Dylan Wrynn; and Tridish's Prometheus Radio Project. Mentions "positioning radio towers." A must-read if you want to understand the low-power radio movement.

2.  3/13/02 - "Activists' mission: Bringing radio power to the people" - Entire article is about Pete Tridish & his Prometheus Radio Project.  Mentions "prisons" and "Incarceration Nation," a radio program on Pete Tridish's now-defunct "Radio Mutiny" station.  (Remember Nick Berg's reference to "a prison" in his email to "stockholders.")

3.  10/2000 - "Low-Power to the People" - More info & quotes from Pete Tridish, who gives Michael Moore as a good example to follow.  Explains how, like Nick Berg, TriDish also went to the 2000  Republican National Convention in his hometown of Philadelphia.  Mentions prison reform twice.  Exlains how Tridish "travels the nation" (similar to Nick Berg's lifestyle) to promote low-power radio and gives useful historical background on low-power FM radio and how the left uses it in an attempt to compete with Rush Limbaugh, et al.

1,505 posted on 05/30/2004 by Nita Nupress (explanation of a Prometheus Radio Project tour of the southern U.S. to "kick-off their campaign against the massive radio giant, Clear Channel Communications."  It culminated in a "Low-Power Radio Barn-Raising" in Louisiana.  We're still looking for information that would tie Nick Berg to any of these 20 southern cities on these particular dates. See also reply #1,535)

** 1,517 posted on 05/30/2004 by Objective Reality ((Sept/Oct 2003; Columbia Journalism Review, Q&A of Pete Tridish of the Prometheus Radio Project.  Pete Tridish's quote: "Community radio doesn't have a person in Baghdad - well, actually we do"...  The quote predates Michael Moore's similar statement; however, like Moore, it may demonstrate how far Tridish and other left-wing low-power radio activists will go to dig up dirt on Bush. See reply #1,852 for a full-text copy of the article.) (photos of Pete Tridish)

Williams Mullen law firm / Sara L. Berg

1,696 posted on 06/01/2004 by GOP_1900AD ("Mullen et al's web site, they / their president may have had a role in that conference. I know they were involved in at least one major such conference. Also, I believe they are involved in some major clients who are doing work over there.")

1,335 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (info on Nick's sister, Sara L. Berg)


Russian mafia by Snapple

1,724 posted on 06/01/2004 by livius (Russian mafia in Philadelphia)

1,817 posted on 06/03/2004 by FL_engineer

Harris / Al-Fawares / Lebanon Broadcast Company consortium

1,607 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl (Nick Berg's email)

1,626 posted on 05/31/2004 by Dolphy

1,634 posted on 05/31/2004by calcowgirl



OKC connection

514 posted on 05/28/2004 by Iwo Jima

531 posted on 05/28/2004 by PhiKapMom (Her sentence, "Moussaoui not coming here until Feb 1991" should read "Feb 2001" instead.)

543 posted on 05/28/2004 by PhiKapMom

550 posted on 05/28/2004 by PhiKapMom

567 posted on 05/28/2004 by PhiKapMom

582 posted on 05/28/2004  by PhiKapMom

1,055 posted on 05/28/2004 by Trinity_Tx (Paraphrase: "Other e-mail accounts were stolen at OU while Berg was there, according to FBI...")

1,104 posted on 05/28/2004 by PhiKapMom (response to above reply refuting FBI/TrinityTx claim)

1,121 posted on 05/28/2004 by Trinity_Tx (response to 1104)

1,158 posted on 05/29/2004 by cyncooper (another response to #1055)

1,170 posted on 05/29/2004 1:49:04 AM CDT by Trinity_Tx (response to 1158)

1,131 posted on 05/28/2004 by ravingnutter

1,158 posted on 05/29/2004 by cyncooper (text & link to CNN article)

1,212 posted on 05/29/2004by cyncooper (text & link to WashPost article)

1,214 posted on 05/29/2004 by Trinity_Tx (text & link to another WashPost article)

1,336 posted on 05/29/2004 by PhiKapMom (1st-hand info on alleged OU "housing shortage")

1,345 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (Berg arrested for trespassing twice at OU)

1,350 posted on 05/29/2004 by ~Kim4VRWC's~ (Berg arrested for trespassing twice at OU)

The mysterious "silver wires" article we're all looking for!

1,050 posted on 05/28/2004 by Fred Nerks

1,126 posted on 05/28/2004 by Fred Nerks

1,555 posted on 05/31/2004 by Fred Nerks

1,842 posted on 06/03/2004 by Fred Nerks

1,853 posted on 06/03/2004 by Fred Nerks

Communication towers

1,083 posted on 05/28/2004by Nita Nupress

1,113 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress (5/17/94; Xinhua News Agency; "UNSCOM Monitoring System in Iraq"

1,241 posted on 05/29/2004 by madison10 (gives a link to misc. info on towers)

1,763 posted on 06/02/2004 by Dolphy (conversations with radio people)



Text & links to other "Moore has a film clip" stories

596 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin

725 posted on 05/28/2004 by Miss Marple

745 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin

1,125 posted on 05/28/2004 by Dane

1,287 posted on 05/29/2004 by Howlin

1,288 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness

Michael Moore's websites

Website rantings (some of which have now been deleted)

60 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin

79 posted on 05/28/2004 by cyncooper

1,164 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("And Now a Chance to Bid Farewell to Mr. Bush")

1,166 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (pushing Moore's book)

1,171 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (garbage about Moore's book tour)

1,175 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("Turkeys on the Moon")

1,181 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("We Finally Got Our Frankenstein" - Saddam)

1,182 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("Letters the Troops Have Sent Me")

1,185 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (Wesley Clark)

1,188 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("Dean Supporters, Don't Give Up" - Iowa Caucus)

1,192 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("You Say Deserter, I Say More Dessert" - Nat'l. Guard)

1,194 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (Open letter to George Bush)

**1,197 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("I currently have two cameramen/reporters doing work for me in Iraq...")

1,200 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (Cannes Film Festival)

1,201 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("Disney Has Blocked the Distribution of My New Film")

1,202 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (NY Times Editorial about Disney)

1,204 posted on 05/29/2004by nunya bidness ("When You Wish Upon A Star")

1,206 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness ("Fahrenheit 9/11 Wins Top Prize in Cannes" - last message prior to the release of the Nick Berg revelation)

1,517 posted on 05/30/2004 by Objective Reality (Objective Reality "pings" Moore's website. Had been taken down temporarily)

When did Moore get idea for making "Fahrenheit 9/11?"

1,161 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (This conversation is also found in surrounding replies near this one)

Actual content of "Fahrenheit 9/11"

948 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress

959 posted on 05/28/2004 by nunya bidness

961 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress

976 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress

984 posted on 05/28/2004 by nunya bidness

995 posted on 05/28/2004 by A Citizen Reporter

997 posted on 05/28/2004 by nunya bidness (woman whose son was killed in Iraq)

1,017 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress (woman whose son was killed in Iraq)

1,034 posted on 05/28/2004by Howlin (woman whose son was killed in Iraq)

1,029 posted on 05/28/2004by Howlin (woman whose son was killed in Iraq)

1,049 posted on 05/28/2004 by Nita Nupress (5/23/04; NYTimes; "Michael Moore's Candid Camera" -- says how Moore got his Iraq film coverage)

Moore/Eisner/Disney information

666 posted on 05/28/2004 by Grampa Dave

872 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin (Moore's words about having people working for him in Iraq)

896 posted on 05/28/2004 by Howlin (article - Yahoo News, 5/28/04, "Michael Moore Film Nears Release as Disney Sells")


Early "NB is missing" media stories

763 posted on 05/28/2004 by A Citizen Reporter

766 posted on 05/28/2004 by ravingnutter

Nick Berg conspiracy/anti-conspiracy sites and other minutia ('What's-his-name.  I didn't check it out, but he's no doubt talking about it since he has a conspiracy for everything.) (Islam Internet Muslim Community Forum) (synopsis of soj's site at 844 by nerdgirl)

Berg family lawsuit


1,258 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl  (Cornell University statement on Nick E. Berg)

1,306 posted on 05/29/2004 by Dolphy ("2nd Rebuilding Iraq Conference" in Arlington, VA that Berg attended)

1,325 posted on 05/29/2004 by nunya bidness (Linda Tripp was contact person for "3rd Rebuilding Iraq Conference" conference)

1,355 posted on 05/29/2004 by RonDog (more on the "2nd Rebuilding Iraq" conference in VA)

1,323 posted on 05/29/2004 by Iwo Jima (analysis of possible connection between Prometheus Tower & Prometheus Radio)

1,330 posted on 05/29/2004 by calcowgirl (info & link -- possible connections between Prometheus Tower & Prometheus Radio)

1,407 posted on 05/29/2004 by MizSterious (David Berg: "It's not like he was trying to help the Bush administration.") (David Berg describes Nick as only one in Berg family who voted for Bush)

1,462 posted on 05/29/2004 by cyncooper (more on David Berg's contradictory statements)

1,478 posted on 05/30/2004 by calcowgirl (info about Michael Berg)

1,491 posted on 05/30/2004 by Nita Nupress (William E. Kennard - Chairman of FCC under Clinton)

1,584 posted on 05/31/2004 by Dolphy (links and info about clandestine radio, the airwaves in Iraq, and the Iraqi Media Network)

1,586 posted on 05/31/2004 by nunya bidness (article by Ira Simmons - "Nicolas Berg and the Continuing Search for Answers")

1,641 posted on 05/31/2004 by calcowgirl (reference to Nick Berg buying a car in Iraq, an unresolved issue)

1,701 posted on 06/01/2004 by Fred Nerks (explanation of the various forms of Islam in Iraq)

1,725 posted on 06/01/2004 by nunya bidness (info about, the website that originally posted the NB  video)

1,818 posted on 06/03/2004 by FL_engineer ("prisoner abuse" references in NB's emails)

1,859 posted on 06/04/2004 2:28:37 PM PDT by Nita Nupress
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To: Fred Nerks

Australia, huh? I guess I noted that earlier somewhere in this thread. I have an Uncle who is a socialist who went to live in Australia 20 or so years ago. Of course that's neither here nor there to the topic :)

I spent a great deal of time searching for Berg's Texas tower employer. I can't find them mentioned by name anywhere which seems kind of odd to me since there seems to be a sort of fraternity bond between these types of guys. There is that block of unaccounted for time (after the semester at Oklahoma) and I did find an article that said he went to work for a Texas tower company. But that's about it. I will keep checking.

1,861 posted on 06/04/2004 2:34:49 PM PDT by Dolphy
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