Most people (well liberals at least) don`t realize that Al is truly insane, that he based his whole campaign symbol on conserving energy for your appliances (as you`ll notice by his blatant rip-off of the energy star logo that you find on refrigerators) and that he chose to publicly declare that felons have more of a right to vote than our own military, that he invented the internet, that he and his wife Tipper-over were the basis for the movie Love story which he tried to show by mouth bathing his wife on stage for 20 hours. Yeah Al, I bought into that one just as much as the Lisa Marie Presley-Michael Jackson deal. The guy is nuts, all kidding aside. We got Islamic fanatics salivating to blow this country and others into Armageddon, and the number one concern of this guy right now is the freggin` temperature? Say WHAT? And people are complaining that this guy lost??
Too funny! Too true! You need a blog. Go to