Seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly. (Sura 4:90)
Fight them until Islam reigns supreme. (Sura 2:193)
Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers. (Sura 8:12)
Allah threatens the Muslim who does not make war on the "unbelievers" with death. (Sura 9:39)
How is a "moderate" Muslim supposed to deal with this?
Lets make it clear a bit!
LoL, there are 2 types of Muslims.
1- radical
2- non-radical
I hate the radical part as you do but I know one thing about the 2nd type which you might not know.
2nd type of Muslims don't read Koran or say their prayers.
I'll believe in "moderate" Muslims when they edit the Koran. The Bible has several versions --- it's certainly time for the "moderate muslims" to take charge and make some fundamental changes in their religion if they want to keep it and live in the West. They haven't done it yet.
"How is a "moderate" Muslim supposed to deal with this?"
By realizing that this kind of stuff is what was told to soldiers when they asked about how to fight in an upcoming battle 1300 yrs ago.
Same as anyone who believes in the Bible must do so they don't go around plucking eyes out or killing everyone in a city.
This is the difference between the radical fundamentalist/terrorist and the average muslim. The terrorist uses passages from the Koran for his own warped means and gains.