Look xzins it is Gen. Anthony Zinni!
Relentless, aren't they?
Folks, the China Daily and Chinese Central Television are more objective than CBS. How these people can call themselves journalist is beyond me.
A journalist would have balanced this presentation with at least an opposing view and throw in a third perspective. But, again, journalism is not what these people are practicing.
The Marine Corps' Wesley Clarke spews.
Zinni is a fool...This is the guy who went over to Israel to try and help solve the issues with Arafat and the "Palestinians". He blew that job big time and made everyone look weak in the process. Now he claims to know so damned much ...he is just another Clinto era grade officer who is a poltical brown noser...hope he pays dearly for his sedition
It's the Jooz, don't ya know?
Neo-conservative is the new codeword for Jew, the one where "The Jooz control the world!"
Zinni is just another anti-Semite with an agenda.
Please read http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1049579/posts for more info on him.
It's the Jooz, don't ya know?
Neo-conservative is the new codeword for Jew, the one where "The Jooz control the world!"
Zinni is just another anti-Semite with an agenda.
Please read http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1049579/posts for more info on him.
We lost Tom Clancy??????
These Clinton toadys have trouble shutting up. Presumeably Zinni was helpful in reducing our army divisions by a third and getting us involved in Kosovo instead of letting the brave French and Germans handle it.
I'd always heard that Clancy was mighty conservative, why is he involved with this? $$$?
IMHO he is just another RAT politician who was against the war for political reasons. Zinni did seem to know the policy of changing the mideast by establishing a democracy in Iraq. He never did say whether or why he was against this policy.
As a general rule, whenever there is a war it is easy to find people to speak against it. The true measure of how wrong they are is not Neville Chamberlin but, rather, our own Congress in 1937 who almost passed a constitutional amendment requiring a referendum to go to war. Even FDR who was seen as a virtual God by his followers could not motivate the public and the Congress to prepare for the oncoming conflict.
The only thing that has changed is that the Pubbies are not the peace at any price party as they were in the30's. Now the Howard Dean/Michael Moore/Mass Media wing of the RAT party have taken over this duty.
The current anti-war strategy is to get everyone to agree that the Iraq War is a lost cause and we have been defeated. It is the background for all discussion on this topic and its prevalence in the mass media and academe' has resulted in even a few tepid conservatives to jump ship on this issue.
If our President prevails in this matter, and I think he will, he will go into the history books as one of the more successful political leaders of the century.
The one subject I resonated to that Zinni mentioned was the failure to incorporate the Baathist previous government into a a new one. Machiavelli once pointed out that there is nothing more difficult than establishing a new order--those removed from power fiercely resist and those who will benefit don't realize it in time. The issue usually is resoved by taking over the leadership positions of the defeated enemy and then continuing the same form, but with a different substance, what has gone on before.
For years I believed that Crowe was the "ultimate former flag officer swine." Along comes this character. Beneath contempt.
Another book.
Another 60 Minutes attack.
I don't get it.....
What does Zinni hope to accomplish by making these remarks?
Does he think this will help our war effort?
Does he think that this will make the task of our troops any easier?
ZINNI FOR PREZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!