1) Iraq is not a "fiasco" and he certianly does not want the UN to "take it off or hands." Stop buying into the media fabrications.
2) If we have the goods on the Oil for Food scandal how are we not in control. You contradict youself here.
3) We have not "kow tow" to anyone.
4) Chalabi is most likely a spy but at any rate do you not think that we should wait until the facts are in?
You are taking mainstream media a little too seriously. Bug up.
Oh, Pardon me. Iraq is a glowing success and everything is going according to plan.
Keep your rose colored glasses on.
Irak is an effing disaster. A study in incompetence.
It's not the media, it's the facts. Open your eyes.
America has lost Iraq. Now it's a bug out at any cost.
Whatever it becomes, it won't be considered a success.