Being Catholic and Democrat just don't go together. How any Christian can be pro-choice is amazing but true. Look at all the pro-choice Protestant denominations.
And it's much wider than just the abortion issue. Secular humanist liberals are Statists. They seek to impose the supremacy of a godless state and all of its governmental machinery and bureaucracy above all other institutions and concerns. This is the road to totalitarianism. How anyone who calls themselves a "Christian" could possibly go along with these policies is absurd.
"How any Christian can be pro-choice is amazing "
People have an amazing capability for rationalization and denial. That is why: 1. The media likes to publicize pro-abortion Catholics and Christians, so that the avg. pew sitter could think, hey, there are some really important people who are prochoice so it is ok for me, too. 2. The media tries to make prolifers shut up and go away, and calls them extremists, so the avg. pew sitter could think, hey, I don't want to be like those raving extremists . . .
But the most important reason, I think, is to assuage their own consciences, by shutting out the credible pro-life voice so that they can pretend it does not exist at all . . .