To: Luis Gonzalez
133 posted on
05/19/2004 6:55:29 AM PDT by
Luis Gonzalez
(Sin Pátria, pero sin amo.)
To: Luis Gonzalez
Or into a car with a hose attached to the tailpipe.
137 posted on
05/19/2004 6:56:45 AM PDT by
(Der Elite Møøsënspåånkængrüppen ØberKømmändø (EMØØK))
To: Luis Gonzalez
Naw...if Pat were Jewish, he'd throw himself off a bridge.... Or into an oven....LOL You've nailed it. Bravo.
139 posted on
05/19/2004 6:59:35 AM PDT by
(They could choose between shame and war: Some chose shame, but got war anyway.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson