To: goodnesswins; GretchenM
Hey you two! Are either of you going to the State Convention? I'll be there. Let me know so we can arrange a visit.
80 posted on
05/17/2004 8:04:44 PM PDT by
(Keep the UN out of Iraq)
To: Wphile
Hey....Wphile....been going to ask you....I'm a delegate....thinking about signing up for the dinner, too...are you? (Or am I too late?...hmmmm...gonna have to check that.)
103 posted on
05/17/2004 8:44:14 PM PDT by
(Countries around the world are ALIENATING American!)
To: Wphile
I won't be at the State Convention. Where is it held this year?
152 posted on
05/18/2004 9:54:46 AM PDT by
(No military in the history of the world has fought so hard and so often for the freedom of others.-W) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson